Saturday, August 3, 2013

Positive perception of reduced risk of breast cancer

Positive and calm woman's life reduces the risk of breast cancer, say Israeli researchers. Experts claim that can divorce and the loss of a loved one can increase the risk of breast cancer. The study was published in the journal BioMed. Researchers interviewed women after diagnosis, which could significantly change their outlook on life at the time. The study included 255 women with breast cancer and 367 healthy women. Experts compared the responses of the participants in the events of their lives and attitudes to different situations. It was found that a positive perception of the events in life reduces the risk of breast cancer by 25%. However, one or more cases of tragic events such as the loss of a spouse or parent, the risk of obesity increased by 60%. Women who are often the tragic events that are at risk, said Dr. Ronit Peled. Scientists believe that the moral factor plays an important role in the development of breast cancer.

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