Sunday, August 11, 2013

Physical activity protects against breast cancer

Young girls and women who exercise regularly between the ages of 12 to 35 years, much lower risk of breast cancer in the period before menopause, scientists say. Experts a study that found that women with an active lifestyle, a 23% lower risk of breast cancer in the time before menopause. The study involved 65 thousand women. Especially high physical activity at ages 12-22 years, most low risk of breast cancer are encouraged. A quarter of all cases of breast cancer diagnosed in women before menopause. Numerous studies have shown that physical activity is a risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, but few studies that examined the effect of exercise on the risk of breast cancer before menopause, reduced with mixed results. As an experiment, 65 thousand women completed detailed annual questionnaires about their physical activity. 12 years For their analysis, data analyzed on a number of parameters in women aged 24 to 42 years. After six years of study, 550 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. The researchers found that the incidence of breast cancer in the prescribed age 194 cases per 100,000 women who were less active, is active against 136 cases in more. Level of physical activity, which was described by most active women equivalent to 3.25 hours jogging or walking 13 hours per week. The effectiveness of the training has not been connected to a particular sport, or intensity, but was on the total activity.

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