Thursday, August 22, 2013

Healthy ears need cleaning swabs

From a medical point of view do not necessarily healthy ears are cleaned of sulfur, said an expert from the University of Texas Medical. The American Academy of Otolaryngology-diseases which has through the analysis of the available scientific data, published a new guide, comprehensive clinical guidelines for ENT specialists. Many believe his ears as often as possible and should be deep cleaned, the scientists said. However, from a medical perspective, the situation is slightly different. Since the ear canal regularly collects some sulfur, and he wants to clean up, it makes sense that sulfur-white - this is not dirt, it is not necessary to clean thoroughly, said the expert. That is, it protects the ear against damage and inflammation. To remove it, you need to clean your ears with soap and water. According to the doctor, is in healthy ears usually self-cleaning auditory pathways - to carry this movement jaw, next to the ear canal. Therefore only need the ear without penetrating deeper clean. This means that you should not clean cotton swab - for earwax contains useful components, including the ears and prevent infection. At the conference, said that the use of cotton swabs to excessive production of earwax in the future, which in turn causes the need for medical procedures.

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