Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The French invented a new method of destroying cancer cells

French Professor Alexander Carpentier with a group of neurosurgeons have developed a new way to kill cancer cells in the human brain. According to the professor, first used in intracranial surgery laser technology enabling. The need for the preparation of the skull During the operation, the entire information about the condition of the patient is provided in real time, brain cells by magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurgeon certifies that during the operation need only a local anesthetic. The patient remains in the heads and 14 hours after surgery can leave the hospital. The essence of the method is that after trehmillimetrovoe hole in the affected area of the brain through the catheter by means of fiber-optic cables to the laser beam. If the tumor is located, it is treated with the laser, so that the temperature of the cells did not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. The test of the new method was with the participation of 15 patients who developed brain metastases after a long illness with breast cancer or lung disease instead. Chemotherapy, radiosurgery, and other methods have led to a visible improvement, and the patient had to live no more than three months. Able for use in the operation of the laser method Carpentier, completely destroy the cancer cells in the six cases, the patient allowed to live another year. In addition, five cases of metastases did not appear in a few months after surgery. French scientists have created a revolution in the treatment of cancer. He recalled that be, according to estimates by the World Health Organization, cancer - the leading cause of death in the world, and of the disease from 2005 to 2015, 84 million people will die.

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