Monday, August 19, 2013

In Moscow, the shop was on repackaging expired medicines

The village Obolensk Moscow suburbs showed underground workshop, dedicated spare packets of drugs that have expired, according to Interfax. The subway system was discovered in one of the businesses in the village. It carried the illegal activities of repackaging expired medicines on the packaging with a new expiration date, told police the Moscow region. If the view of the premises 4700 packets of ascorbic acid with the expiration date of the 2006 and 2000 packages were found unfit with surgical thread and 225 kg of dipyrone Chinese production in barrels. In addition, the boxes are produced with labels printing machines found the pressure of various companies, banks and government agencies, said the law enforcement agencies. Currently deals with the subject of a criminal case. According to independent experts form forgery 10-15% of the total pharmaceutical market in Russia and has annual sales of counterfeit drugs - 200-300 million.

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