Monday, August 26, 2013

Regularly brushing your teeth, and your heart will be healthy

Regular teeth cleaning significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, say New Zealand researchers. A team of scientists from the University of Otago in New Zealand conducted a study, which means that a chronic infection of the mouth may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, in particular, such as atherosclerosis found - the narrowing and blockage of arteries by atherosclerotic plaques, can cause heart attacks and strokes. After one of the scientists who developed a large number of theories about the relationship between dental infections and cardiovascular diseases. One of them is the fact that proteins produced by bacteria cause atherosclerosis and contribute to its development, said the expert. Because stress proteins are widespread, the human immune system can not always distinguish between proteins of the organism against bacterial. Therefore, the immune system begins to attack the body's own proteins, as a result - the white blood cells accumulate in the tissues of the arteries, thus atherosclerosis. Thus, when the immune system reacts to an infection in the mouth, it also attacks the body's own proteins and causing disease of the arteries. According to the authors, this finding could significantly alter the prevention of heart disease. Experts argue that the oral hygiene and the control of gum disease is very important to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, earlier told American scientists from Carolina Medical Center that daily brushing causes the penetration of the blood of a large number of bacteria that can cause serious heart disease - infective endocarditis. Domestic same doctors believe that bigotry is irrelevant here, as well as a rare dental cleaning. Enough to choose the right toothbrush use, high-quality toothpaste and teeth cleaned once a day to keep healthy teeth for a long time, says expert represented Almazdent Dental Center in Yaroslavl.

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