Sunday, October 27, 2013

Scientists have confirmed the discovery of a new lethal virus in Africa

Rapidly developing life-threatening disease, the onset of which was recently adopted in South Africa, due to a new, unknown virus science. This is specified by a researcher at Columbia University, Ian Lipkin (Ian Lipkin), introduced genetic studies in South Africa performed the virus samples. Outbreak of the disease occurred, the symptoms are similar to hemorrhagic fever in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg at the end of last month. His first victim was a resident of Zambia, who came to South Africa for treatment. Several later died Zambian paramedic who accompanied a woman, and after him - clean and nurse Johannesburg clinic in contact with the patient. Dead tissue samples were sent for analysis to the laboratory of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Lipkin, studies showed that the virus cause disease in Africans a previously unknown species of arenaviruses. It differs from a known cause of Lassa fever, also to the genus of the arenaviruses and has no relation to the agents of haemorrhagic fever Ebola and Marburg. The scientist said that the new virus infection can be treated with ribavirin. Currently, under the supervision of doctors in South Africa about 100 people were in contact with the victims of the virus.

U.S. 56 - year-old woman gave birth to my three grandchildren

11th Jas October Dalen Berg (Jaci Dalen Berg) was c-section at the Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest (Hillcrest Hospital). Born were three girls, two of whom are identical twins. Children more than two months premature birth and weighed less than 1400 grams per. But now their lives are not in danger, according to doctors. Hillcrest Clinic representatives said that suffer a mother of girls Kozeno Kim (Kim Coseno) and her husband of infertility and planned to adopt a child. But the mother of Kim agreed, Jas Dalen Berg, undergo the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and a surrogate mother for her grandchildren.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

In Novgorod parents discovered alcohol in the formula

In Novgorod found eight-child parents that instead of the juice in a jar of baby food alcohol, reports RIA Novosti. She became suspicious when the child is trying to "juice" spat. Parents tried to drink himself and found the switch. For fear of the potential harm to the child's body, they called a team of "first aid". Getting doctors felt the baby happy, hospitalization was not required. According to parents, the Outer Banks was absolutely normal. As the employee "first" is the child's father, a doctor by profession, trial planning with vendors selling the "juice". About what companies in the alcohol-based formula not reported.

Massage can be used as an anesthetic

American doctors use massage as a means of relieving pain. The effect of a professional massage can last for several weeks, according to specialists. Probably not, there is hardly a single person who does not want a professional massage. Great feeling after a massage guaranteed. Massage is useful not only for healthy people who want to relax. Recently, physicians began to use massage to treat people with cancer. They found that a professional massage or a special back massage have a strong analgesic effect. Severe chronic pain - the eternal companion of cancer, especially in the last phase of the disease. Patients reported pain relief after the massage and effective pain reliever. The beneficial effects of massage remained for several weeks. The scientists could easily explain the analgesic effects of massage as a massage in the body increases the level of hormones "luck" of dopamine and serotonin, and reduces the amount of the stress hormone cortisol. These biochemical changes that increase the well-being and positively change people's attitudes to their illness and life in general.

Contact lenses can lead to blindness

Contact lenses increase the risk of infection by pathogenic microorganisms, leading to blindness, say Spanish scientists. Experts conducted a study in which a high percentage of contact lens was contaminated with Acanthamoeba microorganisms that can not be killed with conventional disinfectants. These microorganisms are one of the most common types of protozoa in soil and fresh water. Once in the eye, because it will carry amoebic keratitis infection, 85% of the morbidity, the people who contact lenses. Experts believe that such an infection in the long-run total blindness. Ameba commonly found in chlorinated pools and tap water, so that the people who wear contact lenses while swimming or rinsed with water containers lenses have an increased chance of infection. According to experts, has in the last twenty years amoebae increased in the world due to the fact that more and more people were selected for vision correction contact lenses. According to the Spanish microbiology at the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands Pathogenic amoeba in tap water and feed on bacteria, always on the lens, "live" between it and the eye. The main reason for always keeping an eye infection - the lack of proper hygiene and proper care of the lenses.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Promote scientific vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

Could deliver the active immunization of older women against cervical cancer a devastating blow against the disease, according to U.S. scientists. According to experts, the active vaccine against cervical cancer could halve cases of the disease in women at the age of about 45 years. Using mathematical calculations, experts estimate that vaccination of women in the U.S. aged 12 to 45 years with cancer-causing HPV may reduce the incidence of cervical cancer by 85% for 12 year olds and up to 55% - for Women 45 years. It could also help to reduce the incidence from 34 to 67% for women 25 years. The calculations on a 100% vaccination of the female population that were based to implement in practice very difficult, experts said. Most cases of cervical cancer caused by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus. Two U.S. companies have developed a vaccine against HPV types 16 and 18, which are known to cause 70% of cervical cancer cases. Experts hope that the majority of women to participate in the vaccination and avoid the occurrence of a serious illness.

Scientists have found the gene responsible for transsexual men

Australian scientists have a gene that regulates the production of testosterone and affects the transsexual man who wants to be a woman, reports the BBC identified. The researchers analyzed the DNA of 112 people who want to voluntarily change their sex. It was found that in these patients is probably a longer version of the androgen receptor gene may be. The genetic difference may cause a mild reaction to testosterone, the scientists believe. The study, published in Biological Psychiatry. There is a social stigma that transsexualism - show a lifestyle choice, but the results of the study, said that the biological properties of a larger influence on the identification of sexual preference, author of the study - Professor Vincent Harley.

Doctors often use a placebo instead of a few drugs

Many American doctors give their patients a placebo or simply "dummy" instead of certain drugs, such as a pain reliever. And doctors believe that treatment is the illusion created quite ethical, Reuters reported. The researchers found that of 679 ambulances half of patients treated with placebo, and does not want to say. The idea is to perform a "placebo effect" - improving health through psychological effects that lead to the expectation of a positive effect of the fact that people feel the change in the physical layer. More than 60% of doctors believe that a placebo in patients is quite possible, the researchers reported. However, such acts are contrary to the standards established by the American Medical Association (AMA), which means that the use of placebo in the treatment unethical States. The study experts found that in fact some of the patients on placebo had a positive impact. Nevertheless, representatives of the AMA believes that the placebo may be used only with the consent of the patient, or it may seriously undermine the confidence of the actions of health care professionals.

Man's face can be determined by physical force

Can in the face of people learn how much he is physically strong, say psychologists from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Scientists conducted an experiment in which invited participants to the physical abilities, only photos of his face and upper body base were assessed. Before the demonstration images, all study participants were physically examined. It was found that guinea pigs to photograph just managed to show the true strength of the men. It was also found that the thickness of a human person to evaluate not muscularity feet based and tilt on the basis of the width of the breast, and biceps. But as far as physical strength of women, none of the participants in the study is not able to identify the faces of the beautiful half of humanity. According to experts, has these capabilities assessment of physical violence. Originated in ancient times, but different roles for men and women Men unconsciously the degree of risk that it is a man, and men like the women take to protect them and their offspring.

Scientists have learned how to selectively erase memory

Scientists from the U.S. and China have worked together, learned what to selectively erase memory in mice. Previously researchers have an enzyme CaMKII ones found an important role in the regulation of the formation of memory in the brain. Now experts have developed a method of regulating the activity of this enzyme. It was found that forgetting an increased activity of CaMKII leads the objects seen in the last few hours, and the fear experienced in recent months. But the memory of the other earlier events not suffering. According to experts, the opening will allow the use of a new method for the treatment of people who have a lot of stress, and to get rid of fighters from anxiety and related depression.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Scientists have found changes in the brain of suicide

The brains of people who committed suicide, found chemicals, from those who were in the dead for other reasons people reported Canadian scientists found differ. The researchers studied 20 samples of brain tissue of dead people and those who have committed suicide. It was found that a variety of factors surrounding the brain of suicide victims and what. Specific processes that influence the behavior The study was published in Biological Psychology. Scientists believe that genetic factors interact with those around us and factors lead to certain long-term changes in the brain. This is a very important discovery, experts say, because such phenomena not previously connected. Scientists from Carleton University in Ottawa, studied the brain tissue of 10 people. Severe depression and committed suicide, and suffered the 10 people who died of other causes It was found that the DNA of people in group suicides changed its chemical composition by a process of methylation. Rate of methylation in suicides was almost 10 times higher than in the control group, the blocking of the gene out that an important role in the regulation of human behavior. What changes in behavior, namely the development of suicidality. Experts suspect that the cause of a prolonged and severe depression and other psychological problems phenomena that are influenced by the environment and the diversity of human experience.

Scientists have derived a new tomato variety that protect against cancer

Scientists have inferred type purple tomatoes that will be able to able to prevent the occurrence of cancer, reports the BBC. Specialists suggest that fruits rich in antioxidant enzyme anthocyanin, have protective properties of the formation and development of cancer. Scientists have created a tomato with genes from snapdragon flower, which contains a large amount of anthocyanin. The study was published in the journal Nature Biotechnology. Scientists conducted an experiment, which means that mice that ate as tomatoes lived longer found. Can probably altered nutritional impact on human health and life expectancy. The high content of anthocyanins in berries, blackberries, cranberries, chokeberry, and the study found, helped slow the growth of colon cancer cells. Also, experts believe that. Food enzyme anthocyanin, a protective effect against cardiovascular disease and age-related degenerative diseases There is speculation that the enzyme enhances the visual acuity and preventing obesity and diabetes. Scientists continue the positive properties of fruits and vegetables, examine the effect upon human health.

Standards of care is a duty

Ministry of Health developed. For all regions of the Russian Federation standards and procedures for the care that will be in contrast to the reports currently in operation, binding, AMI-TASS The statement has been appointed director of the department of medical care and health development Olga Krivonos. "Before treatment standards were advisory in nature, they are now mandatory," - said Krivonos. According to her, the same changes will occur and the sequence of care. Since 2004, the Ministry of Health over 600 standards of medical care, advice had been published. Based on federal standards published their own regions, which may differ. "We are currently planning to bring everything to a common denominator, because the quality of care should be equivalent, in what corner of our country was a man," - said Krivonos. Standard treatment provides for the necessary medical manipulation, the use of certain medications, surgery and other treatments. Procedures for the provision of medical care to the list of devices, the number of employees in the stores, the number of patients who go to the doctor, etc. until the end of 2008 to develop the Ministry of Health is planning standards and procedures for emergency medical care . determine Next, a single regulatory framework documents will be developed for other services. Plans in the process of implementing new standards Ministry to increase the level of regional institutions into a single baseline, added Krivonos.

Swedish scientists believe unjustified prosecution of HIV

Swedish government institution has refused. The police with information about HIV-positive, to infect, women suspected Under Swedish law an HIV-positive person who knowingly unprotected sexual contact with a healthy person is 1-10 years in prison. Refused, however, the Swedish Institute for Infectious Diseases of the police information about HIV-positive, which is suspected of infecting women to give. A leading specialist and regional manager Ian Albert Institute (Jan Albert) explained that from now believes in the organization that HIV infection is not considered a crime, and that everyone needs to understand the risks of unprotected sex put together. Director Ragnar Norrby (Ragnar Norrby) added that work on the criminalization of HIV prevention is difficult, and that the punishment is too harsh for an infection. Furthermore, the development of antiretroviral drugs has made HIV as a multiple.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

May be in the UK to create embryos that are a mix of human and animal

In Britain, the bill of the lower house of parliament adopted in the third reading, allowing the creation of hybrid or chimera embryos, reports The Guardian. The procedure for the adoption of the bill was not completed because the need is the approval of the House of Lords. And if the House of Lords to take a decision in the affirmative, then the creation of chimeras in the UK can be approved in November 2008. Experts reported that embryos of chimeras, which are a mix of human and animal can be called a source of stem cells. To remove them from the egg to create mammalian core containing the genetic material of the organism, and instead put the core of a person. As a result, the resulting embryo is not quite human, because its cells will hold a part of the parent animal.

Gases from the intestines the basis for new drugs to treat high blood pressure

Gas is discharged from the intestine can not only spoil the smell of the air, but also have an effect on blood pressure, U.S. researchers reported. A small amount of hydrogen sulphide - a toxic gas produced by bacteria living in the human gut, is the cause of bad breath. Scientists conducted an experiment in mice, so that the gas also showed CSE enzymes produced in the blood vessels, causing blood vessels to expand and lowers blood pressure. According to the authors, this discovery will allow to develop new treatments for patients with blood pressure problems. Experts plan further work in this area. The study was published in the journal Science.

American smokers protivopnevmokokkovuyu recommends vaccination

The renowned U.S. expert committee found it necessary to recommend a specific vaccine American smokers. To vaccinate caused According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization, with smoking Americans against pneumococcal disease, pneumonia, meningitis and other diseases. Typically Advisory Committee recommendations of the U.S. authorities, so it is likely that there will soon receive additional vaccines 31 million American smokers. According to statistical studies smokers are four times more likely to get pneumonia as a Non smoking. This is probably due to the fact that the tissue changes caused by smoking and lung airways causing their vulnerability to germs. Advisory Committee on Vaccination supported the decision to recommend vaccination for smokers to eleven votes to three, with one abstention. At the same time, some experts say that the most cost-smokers be vaccinated at the age of 40 years, as young people are victims of pneumococcal infections are relatively rare. Currently in the United States for use approved two vaccines against pneumococcal disease: The first recommended protects against 32 strains of pneumococcal bacteria for adults over 65, and the second, which protects against the most common strains of 7, for children under the age to vaccinate two years. At the same meeting, the Committee on the vaccination against anthrax in the event of terrorist attacks pregnant recommend refused the vaccination of children was considered acceptable by the scale bioterrorist threat.

Medications contribute to weight reduction, the development of mental disorders and suicide

European group to monitor the drug is recommended to combat the use of drugs for obesity and Rimonabant Acomplia, as they cause severe psychological problems and even increase the risk of suicide to abandon, reports the BBC. Representatives of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) said that it is necessary to the promotion of these products for as long as it was clearly not suspend its effects on the human psyche. Patients should not take the medication abruptly interrupt his treatment, they should discuss this with your doctor, experts say. In the UK, about 97 thousand people are overweight or obese. Over 20 thousand people at the time, one of these drugs. Taking the drug rimonabant was approved by the EMEA in June. In July last year, already a warning of the EMEA, can cause depression and mental health problems Acomplia character has received. Experts also recommend not to prescribe these drugs to people with symptoms of depression or taking antidepressants. The second study showed that increasing the intake of rimonabant the risk of mental disorders compared with placebo twice. According to researchers in the period from June to August 2008, five cases of suicide in patients who reported in the experiment and drugs, compared with a case of suicide in the control group. Experts plan further studies on the influence of drugs to combat obesity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scientists have found a way to prolong life

New technology to the basic functions of the human body that support developed by scientists from the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, St. Petersburg. A unique method is based on peptides that penetrate directly due to the low mass and size to stimulate the cells into the damaged tissue and makes the production of these essential proteins. Scientists believe that we can be very helpful to others at the turn of evolution, in which the elderly are more beneficial to society than are young, because of the experience and knowledge. According to experts, the genetic species Homo sapiens is the life of 110 to 120 years. Maximum age in the Guinness Book of Records, it was possible to a certain Frenchwoman to reach the dead in 122 years. The remaining records of this type not documented, experts say.

The crisis forced the Americans to save the treatment

The crisis in the U.S. economy has led many Americans to medicines and recommended medical procedures to deny reports Fox News. Experts believe that in the future this trend will inevitably lead to a rise in the number of patients that carry a long-term and expensive treatment. After the telephone survey conducted by a physician Kaiser Family Foundation, the number of Americans who said that they or their relatives were forced to retreat from certain types of treatment for financial reasons, has increased from 29 to 36 percent. About a third of respondents had not been recommended by the studies or procedures, with a fifth of them admitted that the refusal to treat their condition deteriorates. Another wake-up call to reduce the number of prescriptions is the first time in 12 years fell by 0.4 percent. In addition, after the unification of the financial management of health care facilities in U.S. hospitals by 1-2 percentage reduces the number of unnecessary medical procedures - in recent years, their numbers increased by 3-4 percent annually. At the same time, the U.S. health care facilities there is an influx of patients in need of assistance, especially for patients who have no health insurance. According to representatives of the American Hospital Association, in the future the number of such applications can be significantly increased.

Have smart kids tend to alcoholism

Children with high intelligence are more prone to alcoholism in later life, after the Scottish explorer. Scientists from the University of Glasgow conducted a study that analyzed the results of tests on the 3895 intelligence men and 4148 women aged 10 years and compared with the level of alcohol in 30 years. The data with the risk of alcohol abuse receive, such as socio-economic status. Experts came to the conclusion that an increase in IQ of 15 points to the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption of 1.17 times in men and 1.38-fold increase in women. The reasons for this relationship are unclear.

Scouts will be taught the safety intimacy

The famous slogan of the Boy Scouts and pioneers once "Be prepared! Always ready!" Where to buy soon several new connotations. British scouts now "be prepared", but with condoms. Scouting is the idea - to prepare young people to be prepared for any situation forever. In the UK Scouting organization plan soon introduce safety and responsibility course in sexual relationships. Where to get and how to put on condoms - new jobs to replace the songs around the campfire, to cross tying knots and grandmothers. Many young people are becoming sexually active before the age of 16. Most of them were not very well read in matters of sexuality, which can lead to severe consequences. For this reason, the responsibility of the British scouts is now also encouraging peer information about safer sex, responsibilities and possible consequences of reckless sex. Scouts are taught, self-confident, ready to be, to resist peer pressure and start sex when they are ready to make an informed and wise choice must be made. Particular attention will be on the use of contraception, pregnancy testing, and what to do if, when the young people are forced to sex against their will.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A diet rich in fatty foods increases the risk of sleep apnea

Is more common in people with severe obstructive sleep apnea in the wrong and unhealthy foods than people with mild manifestations of this syndrome, the researchers reported. Obstructive sleep apnea (SOA) - a disease which is characterized by high incidence of obstructive (interruption air permeability) of the upper respiratory tract. Sleep apnea not only causes daytime sleepiness and can lead to lethargy, but also a threat to the life in the absence of timely treatment. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 320 adults with SOA. They found that those participants in the experiment, which had severe symptoms of the disease, also had high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Such a situation leads diet, saturated fatty foods. Although it is believed that being overweight increases the risk of apnea, the researchers found no link between the results of research and weight. In addition, experts believe that eating habits may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Scientists believe that obstructive sleep apnea may be associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease in combination, and the primary cause is a diet that is rich fatty foods. Can change the diet, you can avoid more health problems, said the expert.

In South Korea, melamine was in products, the eggs found

South Korea demanded that the 23 tons of eggs and their products were manufactured in China destroyed because they melamine, reports Reuters had found. This trend began to build South Korea earlier this month melamine in 10 Chinese dairy products, brands and the government ordered a ban on the sale of these products in stores in the country found. Tens of thousands of Chinese children ill, and at least four died drinking the milk of the Chinese manufacturers that contain melamine. After the hazardous material in the products of Chinese manufacturers found on the shelves around the world. Melamine - widely unsuitable in the manufacture of plastic tableware substance found in foods used for concealment, is a major health risk. Similarly, the eggs and their products from China to South Korea were processed imported, with the South Korean authorities. Suspended import of two Chinese companies, and demanded an explanation of what is happening. While the company does not comment on the situation, said the South Korean government.

Can cure the cure for leukemia Multiple Sclerosis

Medicines used to treat leukemia may be a new weapon in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the researchers say. The scientists found that the drug can stop the progression of alemtuzumab disease in patients with multiple sclerosis. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Experts have not yet fully investigated the influence of the drug for the treatment of leukemia, multiple sclerosis (MS), the work of scientists in the early stages. While there is a positive effect in the treatment of MS, but experts are concerned about the manifestations of serious side effects. Ability of the drug to carry out healing effect in the brain is unprecedented, said Alasdair Coles of the University of Cambridge. Alemtuzumab - type of drug, which was developed at the University of Cambridge in the late 1970s and has long been used to treat leukemia, killing the cancer cells of the immune system. After 3 years of the study, which was attended by 334 patients with relapse of MS, experts found that the drug reduced the progression of the disease by 74% compared to conventional therapy. Experts say that the people involved in the experiment, in order to restore some functionality that was lost as. As a result of an experimental treatment is less disabled. Professionals are very encouraging results, and they are planning further studies to reduce the risk of side effects.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dying pregnant Japanese woman refused to eight hospitals

In Japan, the growing scandal surrounding the death of a pregnant woman who was eight hospitals in a row. Medical institutions refused stationary patients, citing a lack of qualified personnel. Excited, the Japanese public incident occurred at the end of September. In 36-year-old woman who is in the last weeks of pregnancy, had a stroke. A team of "first aid" went unfortunate the city for hours, but she would not accept any hospital because of lack of qualified obstetricians and gynecologists. After all the necessary specialists found in the ninth hospital. The patient had brain surgery and cesarean section, but three days later, the woman died. Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura, Japan acknowledged that the death of a woman was the result of serious problems in the national health system. "We have reasons for what has happened and to take all necessary measures to avoid the recurrence of such incidents," - he said at a news conference. The tragic death of 36-year-old Japanese woman - not the first such case in Japan in recent years. For example, last year was a woman who refused treatment, several hospitals, a miscarriage in the ambulance. A year earlier, shook the country history maternal mortality, which declined to 19 hospitals.

Toxic substances of insects can cause severe poisoning

People often use poisons to kill insects. But on the human body such funds also may have a negative impact and even lead to death, experts say. Scientists conducted a study between 2001 and 2006, which found that insect repellent acute illness in 466 people, and even cause a death. Symptoms of the disease may have a cough, shortness of breath, irritation of the upper respiratory tract. New method of pest control with a total fog machine, and a pyrethroid chemical pyrethrin insecticides acute human poisoning. Also a part of such tools include an aerosol explode easily catch fire. Experts estimate that 80% of acute poisoning with insecticides were mild, 18% - moderate and 2% experienced severe form of poisoning. Thus, the conductivity has a pest control room and the "back", despite the fact that, as we are convinced manufacturers products are virtually harmless to humans and animals. "

Disinfection reduces the body's ability to fight virus

Frequent use of various chemical disinfectants leads to the bacteria and viruses that enter the body, they become resistant to drugs, say U.S. researchers. In the detergent contains a high concentration of chemical biocides, which contribute to the survival of viruses, and ultimately, in the presence of certain infections of bacteria and viruses is difficult to beat with medication, said researchers. Researchers in the field of microbiology, conducted an experiment on bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, noting that under the influence of a large number of components of the antiseptic violated the removal of toxins from the cells. According to experts, the pathogenic bacteria are a threat to human health because they are difficult to get rid of. Increases again when bacteria living on the body has a resistance to antibiotics. Negative contribution to these processes make it unnecessary sanitary measures, which is so often in the patients of the hospital admission only getting worse. Doctors stress that disinfectant agents are useful in moderation.

Scientists have created a device that is able to detect cervical cancer

An innovative device can detect cervical cancer at an early stage of the disease, according to the BBC. Preliminary results have shown that, perhaps thanks to this device can perform operations of high precision and not to a hysterectomy, in which the woman to fall back again completely removed in the womb and it can not have more children, the researchers reported. Scientists believe that this procedure the patient to retain the possibility of reproduction. A detailed description of the diagnosis with the new device is presented in the journal Radiology. According to Professor Nandita deSouza from the Institute of Cancer Research, the information received is a device that can be used, not to radical surgical techniques apply, and keep as much of cancer can be. The preliminary study involved 59 women with cervical cancer at age 24 to 83 years. The results were very promising, as it managed to find the exact location of the tumor in 88% of cases with a new device, compared to 77% in the search for the old method. Scientists plan to conduct larger studies to confirm the results.

Mental stress protects against Alzheimer's

Work that requires constant mental stress, helps to protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease, according to the BBC. They found that damage to the brain tissue is much faster and memory problems, when a weak intellectual stimulation. They suggest that to protect intense mental work or career by the occurrence of dementia. Results of Italian researchers report in the journal Neurology published. The brain is able to compensate for a lot of damage and the operation in spite of them to obtain, Dr. Valentina Garibotta San Raffaele University in Milan said. Scientists have used brain scans to fix the events in it, 242 people aged 72 -. With some signs of memory impairment, and 144 people - with no memory problems As a result of the 14-month period of 21 persons was diagnosed from the experiment participants with signs of memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease. Scientists conducted a screening of the brain in people with approximately the same memory problems. It turned out that people with a higher level of professional development and the intellectual challenge, the brain damage is much lower. Thus, the psychological stress is a critical factor for the normal activity of the brain, the study's author.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rejected in a unique insight

But the sad experience often accompanies a number of positive aspects - for example, people are more easily rejected to recognize deception. Scientists from Ohio came to the conclusion that those who had been rejected at least once in his life works better intuition. In addition, these people are quickly identified deception and fraud. An experiment was carried out with 32 volunteers. Participants of the experiment were divided into 3 groups. Who in the first group were asked to write rejected a story about how, were. The second group wrote about the happy event, and the third - was in control. The participants wrote about what happens on the eve of the experiment. Thereafter, all volunteers will have 20 video clips that were shown closed with the people smile and laugh. The task of the participants was simple: to see who is smiling warmly, and - so. Participants in the first group that wrote about the sad events in their lives were the most challenging. 80% correctly identified where the person is sincere, and where - not. Vigilance other was on average 10-20% lower.

Can eat the rapid obesity

Can eat the rapid increased risk of obesity roughly doubled, according to Japanese scientists. Experts from Osaka University studied the eating habits of 3 thousand people. According to experts, the problem in the signaling system that tells the body when they stop eating, may be partly responsible for the development of obesity. If it deliberately slow, it could have an impact on the weight loss, the scientists believe. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. Chew with careful, it will not only the process of digestion, but also helps to prevent obesity, experts say. Scientists in their work focused on the relationship between the rate of food intake, satiety and weight loss. Of the three thousand participants in the experiment at least a third person reported that they often consume food at a fast pace. The researchers found that when people fast, food, the risk weight of more than two times normal, or 84%, compared to those who ate slowly. Experts believe that the rapid consumption of food can cause interference in the signal system and thus cause for obesity. The slow rate of eating can make you feel more saturated with eating less, the study's authors.

Among middle-aged women are always happen suicides

In America, the ever-increasing suicides among white middle-aged women, the researchers reported. They found a disturbing trend of increasing suicides in the period from 1999 to 2005. The number of suicides has increased significantly, and the cause remains unclear. The total number of suicides increased by 0.7%, while the suicide rate rose among white women aged 40 to 64 increased by 2.7% among middle-aged women by 3.9%. The study was published in the current issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Scientists have taken the publicly available data on deaths in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and analyzed. The results of the study highlighted the changes in the epidemiology of suicide among middle-aged white women who constitute a new exposure. Previously, most young people were in danger of both sexes. The authors of the study plan, in future studies on the causes that focus on middle-aged women to such a sad choice. Probably influenced by the failure in his personal life and lack of career development opportunities that lead to severe depression and lead to suicide, experts believe. However, this is still only speculation about the possible causes that require detailed investigation and evidence, the expert said.

Sounds according to the baritone, promoting rapid awakening

Rapid awakening is possible, if this sounds to the music baritone sounds, say Australian researchers. Scientists conducted a study that examined the effects of sound waves of different height on the rate of awakening people. It was lost for about nine different sound signals during the early, the deepest stage of sleep. According to experts, the sound sleep in humans during the first three hours of sleep. Full and sleep longer necessary for women than men, experts say. Since in the case of a periodic lack of sleep in women can depressed, a plurality of, and even psychological cardiovascular diseases. Also, as we wake up, play a role, experts say. It was found that the most effective sound adults a sound pulse at a frequency of 520 wake Hz, which corresponds to the music baritone. But the shrill sound of pure higher frequencies were less effective. So if you wake up and fast, do not want to fight with sleep, use sound pulses corresponding to the baritone, the scientists suggest.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A balanced diet lowers your risk of heart disease by one-third

Replace fatty and salty foods for salads can greatly reduce the risk of heart attacks, according to nutritionists. Scientists analyzed the diets for 16 thousand people from 52 countries. Experts have identified three main types of diets. The study was published in Circulation Journal. Western diet includes a high intake of fat, salt and meat, which led to a 30% risk of heart attacks. Diet based on fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of heart attack by a third. Eastern diet on soy and other sauces based, had no effect on the incidence of cardiovascular disease experts have found. The researchers conducted a study on the impact of diet on the cardiovascular system. Scientists have focused on the impact of food 19 manufacturers, and then interviewed 5561 patients heart attacks and 10,646 people with chronic heart failure have been reported. Found that people who preferred Western diet 35% more prone to a heart attack than those who ate less fried foods and meat. It is known that the conventional Western diet causes heart disease carries high salt in foods, may order the pressure, and some types of fat clogged blood vessels. According to researchers, the global study of the diet is more important than the study of the effect of individual foods on the body.

Hunger is always relevant in poor countries

The economic crisis, recession and unemployment in the world are a cause for concern about a possible famine. At a conference in Dublin, brought experts from Africa, Europe and the U.S. to discuss the problem of hunger in the world. During the financial crisis has a negative impact on the economies of the developed countries, the poor countries are on the brink of starvation. In the developed countries to forgive billions of dollars to rescue the banking system and the suspension of the pace of development of the financial crisis. However, remember that in many countries people have nothing to eat. Widespread hunger in poor countries, the number of hungry people rose from 920 million to 970 million this year. Experts fear that the financial crisis to push the problem of hunger in the background, and donor countries to stop helping the needy. Even at a time of financial health hunger problem was very serious, but now it can be a disastrous situation. People in developed countries are concerned about their future and the financial situation of the country, and people in poor countries is not able to survive.

British goods in sex shops found melamine

In a network of British sex shops products found containing toxic melamine. In particular, it contains chocolate grease nipple and similar products made in China. Commission Decision limit of melamine in food to 2.5 milligrams per kilogram. In the detected levels of toxins ranging from 126 to 259 mg / kg. Contaminated food - chocolate grease nipple and penis as well as chocolate and strawberry marker for the body - be removed from the sale. Melamine to products Chinese manufacturers of milk powder added to falsify a content of protein. With regular use of the substance of man is deposited in the renal pelvis in the form of stones. To date, the Chinese milk products contaminated with melamine have, the more than 50,000 people, mostly children, four of whom died. Representatives of the British Standards Agency reassured consumers of contaminated food, stating that the risk of poisoning in this case is extremely small.

A resident of Berlin gave birth to twins six

Charité patients gave birth to twins six, four girls and two boys. Told reporters Charité director Ulrich Frei (Ulrich Frei). According to Fry, the woman, whose name was not reported, and all six babies in a satisfactory condition. Weight of twins at 27 Born week of pregnancy, in the range of 800 to 900 grams Chapter Charité also noted that the cause of multiple pregnancies was hormonal drugs for the treatment of infertility. Previous cases of birth transitions Germany recorded in Munich in 1986. The doctors are the life of the mother and the newborn could be saved. According to statistics, the probability of gears is one chance in 4.4 to 4,700,000 births.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nicotine promotes more intensive growth of breast cancer

More negative effects of smoking on the body are specialists. It was found that breast cancer cells are sensitive to nicotine. It has long been known that nicotine affects the outcome of disease, such as lung, larynx, oral cavity and other organs. But there remains little studied the effect of nicotine on breast cancer, especially in tumor development and metastasis. Scientists from New York decided to investigate the matter further and conducted a study that examined the negative effects of nicotine on breast cancer cells. Specialists are found in both normal and cancer cells from several types of specific receptors of nicotine, such as those that exist in the cells of the nervous system. According to experts, the role of these receptors is not exactly known, but researchers suspect that nicotine molecule bound to the receptor and stimulate the proliferation of cancer cells. Experts managed to prove this theory in an experiment on mice. The authors of the study found that nicotine itself is not the cause of breast cancer, but in combination with other factors provoking disease promotes more intensive growth and spread of cancer cells.

Found a substance that causes a depression after the loss of a loved one

Chemical explanation is found, which is why people fall into depression after the loss of a partner, experts say. Scientists conducted a study in which a new substance found in the body of the field mice associated with the occurrence of depression after the loss of a partner. Experts suggest that this substance is associated with the occurrence of human sadness and depression after the loss of a man or woman. The experiment involved mice no accident. Voles are monogamous by nature and an association with his partner for life. The experiment consisted in the fact that one group of mice by their brothers, sisters and partners were isolated. All other alone mice began to show signs of anxiety. But only in the mice that had lost partners manifest depression. Experts conducted additional study in which that in mice, the loss of a partner was corticotropin-releasing hormone (neurohormone stress) found increased. After administration to mice a compound that blocks the hormone had disappeared depressive symptoms. Results of research on new treatment for depressed state after losing a loved one to create combat, the scientists said.

Some vitamins reduce the life

Was proved once again that not only extend some vitamin supplements and even shorten life expectancy, Danish researchers reported. Many people do that, the vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene, the "oxidation" that prevent observed in some of the major diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. This effect is due to the destruction of the body of free radicals, which reaches a suspected cause disease. Scientists conducted a study of 233 people, among whom were healthy and sick people. All of them took supplements. After adjusting for various factors, Danish researchers concluded that vitamin A increases the risk of premature death by 16%, beta-carotene - by 7% and Vitamin E - 4%. Vitamin C appears to be no effect on life expectancy. According to scientists about the effects of vitamin C and selenium needs to be further investigated. Experts also showed no proof that antioxidants help prevent diseases. On the contrary, they argue, vitamins A and E on the working of the natural defense mechanisms of the body. Today supplement, millions of people around the world their diet with vitamins. However, the benefits of their use, and no one coming. British scientists, in turn, recently stated that people should try to obtain the necessary vitamins for your body by eating a balanced diet, and urged caution when taking high doses of antioxidant complex.

Climbing can cause brain damage

Top climbers can reach smaller suffer brain damage each time the highest points slopes of the highest mountains in the world, scientists say. Italian researchers examined before the world-class climber and after the expedition. It was found that the climbers are changes in the brain, while apparently not no new neurological problems surfaced. The study was published in the European Journal of Neurology. The most likely cause of damage is the lack of oxygen at high altitudes, they say. Most climbers know that can climb to a height of about 8000 meters above sea level, leading to brain damage. However, the researchers could see that the climb to the top of the lower, in the range of 3,000 meters, which also lead smaller brain damage. Scientists have not been able to identify significant changes in the neurological disorder, but with regular repetitive climb the highest mountains can damage the brain, could influence may both the memory and on the overall functionality of the brain, said the expert.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Exercise rejuvenates the brain

Regular aerobic exercise helps prevent not only reduce the function of the brain, which often occur with age, but can turn back the clock in terms of the aging brain to specialists. Age-related decrease in gray and white matter of the brain is responsible for reducing the effectiveness of the many functions of the higher nervous activity, such as planning, working memory tasks, as well as multi-functional management. Scientists at the University of Illinois found that the processes in the brain are exposed to the most sensitive to physical shock. People with symptoms of Alzheimer's regular moderate physical activity not only improves the speed and accuracy of thinking, but actually increases the volume of the brain, which improves the functions of his job. In the 6-month study, researchers looked at people aged 60 to 75 years. It was found that the participants in the study, which went for 45 minutes three times a week at a brisk pace, not only to get fit, but also indicators of mental activity, as in the control group who did not exercise compared. The results of the studies show, can change that regular and moderate exercise in any form (in the gym or just active trekking) is able to weaken the age-cognitive functions of the brain in a positive way, said the study authors.

Parents do not notice the extra weight of your child

Many parents do not pay attention to the weight of the child, because they know that the weight is in the normal range, but in reality not believe it is, Australian researchers reported. Experts from the University of Melbourne conducted a study, which surveyed 2,100 parents of Australian children. It was found that 40% of parents whose children suffered not aware about or underweight on this issue. While it is important for parents to recognize the existence of a problem, because only then will they be trying to help their children to cope with the problem of weight. The problem of childhood obesity is a growing in all countries and experts are looking for ways to influence the school and looking at home. The results of the study by Australian experts have shown that the fight against obesity lead to difficulties in the perception of the problem children and parents. The study of more than 40% of children and parents are not aware of the problem weight. According to experts, this situation is much more difficult communication of health workers with children and provide them with the necessary support. Experts believe that it is necessary to provide information for parents concerning issues of weight, and then the prevention of childhood obesity are likely to be more effective.

Dairy products to protect against bladder cancer

Frequent consumption of dairy products leads to a significant reduction in the risk of bladder cancer. These conclusions were Swedish researchers. By long study involving tens of thousands of participants, according to Fox News The staff at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm monitored for nine years on the health of thousands of 82 healthy men and women. The study participants regularly provided information about the frequency of consumption of various foods, such as milk and dairy products. At the end of the study were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 485 participants, including 76 women and 409 men. In the assessment of the information gathered, the scientists could not detect a significant association between the frequency of consumption of dairy products in general, and the risk of cancer. At the same time the number of cases was significantly lower in the subgroup of individuals prefer yogurt and other dairy products. So, for people consume at least two servings of dairy products per day, the risk of bladder cancer was 38 percent lower than for those who are. Any products containing fermented milk For women in the first group risk reduction was 45 percent for men - 36 percent. The report on the study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

American students develop an anti-cancer beer

A group of American students with the help of genetic engineering produces beer with resveratrol - a constituent of red wine reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease in animals and possibly humans. The idea for this drink came to the students at Rice University in Austin, Texas, when she came with the development of the largest annual events in the field of genetic engineering - International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM). Young researchers decided to get resveratrol in fermentation by genetically modified yeast. On the way to the practical realization of the idea of the students had two problems: maintaining the ability of yeast, carbohydrates and their integration into the genome of genes fermenting enzymes in the biosynthesis of resveratrol. After reviewing the literature, they found two developments that best fits their needs. Give the yeast's ability to synthesize resveratrol - To date, students have implemented the second part of the problem. Solve the problem of maintaining the properties of fermenting carbohydrates they expect to 8 November - the date of the competition.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Perhaps the benefits of massage - a myth

Scientists can not answer accurately until now the question of whether massage promotes fast muscle recovery after exercise. Despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence for the benefits of massage after sport, many people believe that it is the duration of the massage reduces pain in the muscles after a workout. Moreover, it is assumed that the massage of individual muscle groups prior to training can improve the athletic performance. In addition, a successful performance is often recommended to use Office Massage Chair. Scientists have conducted 27 studies on the effects of massage on athletic performance. We examined a variety of massage techniques that had different muscle groups, including the duration of the procedure. All studies have shown that the positive effects of massage on athletic performance is highly questionable. To assess the benefits of the new massage techniques very clearly the methodology, timing control (before or after exercise) and investigate the effect of not one, but several short sessions of massage, experts say.

Alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer

Many women do not know that too much alcohol increases the risk for breast cancer, reports the BBC. Many do not know that alcohol abuse contributes five times less to kidney and liver cancer than breast cancer. Scientists conducted a survey of 2,000 men and women and found that a large percentage of breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption. Many respondents believed that alcohol affects only the appearance of the kidney and liver diseases, the researchers reported. Only in the United Kingdom over four million women drink alcohol more than the recommended standard. Although many factors influence the onset of breast cancer, but alcohol is not the last of them. They found directly proportional to the effect of alcohol consumed and the risk of the disease. Scientists believe that all women should be aware of the serious risks of alcohol abuse. In the data there is a positive side, because this is always a negative factor can be eliminated, such as the inheritance contrast, the researchers noted.

Office work harmful as smoking

Sit at the table for a long time as harmful as smoking or stay for a long time in the sun, said Professor Hamilton of the University of Missouri (USA). Millions of people sitting in the office, and even after hours of exercise at least 30 minutes on the way home because the public transportation to move the couch watching TV. This way of life is at high risk of diabetes, obesity, and then have problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as many office workers deal with such procedures as the treatment of hemorrhoids. According to Professor Hamilton, many of us underestimate the enormous potential threat prolonged sitting. According to the results of his research can be prolonged sitting with smoking or prolonged exposure to the sun are compared. Studying move as often as possible during the day. Even if you go regularly with colleagues for discussion, rather than sending e-mails, you can reduce your risk of diabetes, experts say. According to the results of another study by experts from the International Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, found that even a 2-hour voluntary physical activity a day will not be able to fully compensate for the fact that the rest of the people are very few trains performed.

Mobile phones can cause allergies

The excessive use of mobile phones can cause skin allergies, according to British scientists. Signal the occurrence of this disease is a rash on the ears and cheeks lover calls displayed. Scientists conducted a study, it is determined in that of an itchy rash, known as "mobile dermatitis," affects people who have mobile phones for a long time. An active mobile phone users an allergic reaction to the nickel-plated housing surface of the tubes. Patients with these symptoms often go to the doctor, but it was difficult to determine the nature of experts strange rash. Appears, according to experts in the mobile dermatitis reddish rash on the face in areas where the skin is in contact with the metal parts of the phone. Theoretically, such a rash on the fingers occur when a user selects frequently text messages on the phone keypad metal. Nickel - a metal that is used in a variety of products, from mobile phones to jewelry and belt buckles. Earlier this year, in the staff at Brown University, Providence (Rhode Iceland) tested 22 popular models of mobile phones from eight manufacturers and found nickel in ten vehicles, the agency said.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Aspirin not always protect against cardiovascular disease

Aspirin should not be used routinely to prevent heart attacks in people with diabetes, according to a Scottish scientist. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 1,300 adults with diabetes, but no signs of heart disease. The subjects were aspirin, which may dilute the blood, but it was found that the drug has no positive effect. The results of this study conflict with many of the recommendations of the doctors. Aspirin protects people with diabetes, say heart attack However, there are patients that are included in a special risk group who have to take medication. The researchers recommend consulting with your doctor before any treatment. It is believed that people who have a heart attack or stroke, as well as from coronary heart disease, the use of aspirin to reduce the risk of recurrence by 25%. But in recent years scientists have on studying the effect of aspirin on people who have had no problems with the concentrated cardiovascular system, but they are at risk, such as diabetes. In Britain, for example, a daily dose of aspirin is a tool for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in high-risk groups. Scientists plan to continue research in this area to find out exactly what groups need to see this drug.

The weaker the pleasure of eating, the higher the weight!

Brain in response to food with future weight gain in women, U.S. researchers reported. Brain scans showed that. These study participants, the weakest response to drinking a chocolate milkshake, which was most likely to put on weight a year later A substance that controls joy - Minor reactions to food were also associated with a gene controlling the reaction of the brain cells to dopamine. The new data confirm the results of previous studies, in which he said, to get that overweight people eat less desire. The scientists measured the activation of specific brain regions in 43 students aged 18 to 22 years, and 33 girls aged between 14 and 18 years at the time of using chocolate milk shake or tasteless drink. The result showed that the girls had a weak reaction of the brain to a milkshake, a year increased significantly. Experts say the problem is genetic in origin, and, if proved correct influence are on the gene associated with the brain's response to dopamine, you may be able to the level of enjoyment of the meal that influence turn to help with weight loss.

The active use of the Internet increases brain activity in half

Regular search information over the Internet are important centers in the brain that. Control decision-making and complex reasoning, according to Reuters Scientists at the University of California conducted a study, which means that promote the use of the World Wide Web search engines and helps to improve brain function found. The study demonstrated the presence of the physiological effects of modern computer technologies for human health. According to neurologists, prevent the permanent activity of nerve cells in the Internet browsing various content and with different semantic load atrophy of neurons and has a positive effect on the cognitive function of the brain. Scientists conducted brain scans, which allows to determine the changes in the brain when searching for information on the Internet. Specialists detected intense cellular reactions and increased cerebral blood flow during cognitive tasks. They also found that Web search the area of the brain that are inactive when reading books activated - the front, temporal cortex areas for the difficult tasks and decisions. Even more work affect temporal, parietal and occipital areas, the visual skills, memory, reading and language skills. However, experts point out that all these functions are observed only for experienced users of the Internet. According to researchers, compared with reading, use of the Internet requires a person of choice.

Cigarettes interfere with the full enjoyment of life

Smokers aged feel much worse than in non-smokers. Smoking not only reduces life expectancy, but also on the quality of, say Finnish researchers. Scientists conducted a study. The health of people who were born from 1919 to 1934 At baseline (1974), all the men were healthy. 26 years have been re-examination of these men. The study was published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. It was found that participants who had never smoked lived an average of 10 years longer to heavy smokers who smoked an average of 20 cigarettes per day counter. Researchers evaluated the quality of life in a survey. Taking into account physical activity, health problems, psycho-emotional background, social isolation, fatigue and overall health. The comparison of all the indicators of heavy smokers and non-smokers - the difference was significant. Particularly affected the quality of life of smokers with indicators such as the level of physical activity, which did not allow them to take an active part in public life. Other indicators of smoking were also significantly worse, the researchers reported.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Magnetic stimulation of the brain, the Americans went on a vegetative state

American Josh Villa (Josh Villa), for several months in a vegetative state after traumatic brain injury, he began to respond to external stimuli and communicate with others through eye movements after a few sessions of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain. This is the first successful application of this technology in the rehabilitation of patients in a vegetative state. With the approval of the members attended the Villa six-week experiment on the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain, by Theresa Pape (Theresa Pape) in the hospital of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Los Angeles organized. The essence of this method lies in the direction of the effect of magnetic field on the different structures of the brain - in the case of the villa, it was the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Previously, this type of therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, and used some time ago, approved the Office of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in the treatment of depression. Significant improvement in the patient's condition occurred after 15 sessions of the experimental therapy, and at the end of the course of 30 sessions, he began to answer simple sentences to answer questions Age movement to monitor the movement of the doctor's hands, pronounce and even a few words. Unfortunately, this positive change and additional courses would not lead to the desired result. However, the doctors recognize the obvious progress in the patient: It is currently classified as a state of minimal consciousness.

A child has a positive effect on a woman's brain

Children with brain improved for many years, and also protects against neurodegenerative disease in women, according to U.S. researchers. According to author Craig Kinsley, during pregnancy study temporarily worsen cognitive function, but it is only with the restructuring of the brain connected prepared for motherhood. According to some reports, pregnant women worsen memory and the ability to analyze the data. Researchers believe that this is only a temporary phenomenon, and in the long term a significant improvement of the spiritual possibilities. Scientists have carried out experiments on rats and primates. It was found that females with young, faster and more courageous than women without boys. In addition, women take care of boys with better orientation in space, and their brains to more developed areas in the context of the next generation. Although conducted on animals, the authors that the results can be extrapolated to humans, since the mechanisms. For reproduction similar in all mammals

Water in plastic bottles is not purer water

Water in plastic bottles and other containers not have clean water, but not harmful to health, U.S. researchers reported. Study an expert in two years, the regularly tested the water quality in the United States. For accurate results, scientists laboratory tests on the same batch of eight different brands of bottled water. As a result, the experts have found 38 different substances in water. Among them: the alkaloid caffeine, acetaminophen analgesic, fertilizer, solvents, enzymes, chemicals that are used in the manufacture of plastic products, and the radioactive isotope strontium. Most of these substances is not - according to the standards set by U.S. federal law. According to experts, in some cases, bottled water is no less polluted than tap water. And people pay for such products 1900 times greater (than the water in the water). The customer has to count for something better, the researchers stressed.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Scientists have created a device that paralyzed limbs on invested

Scientists have shown that by moving to the transmission of signals to the brain, the paralyzed part of the body, according to the BBC. Experts have developed a technology, developed with the work around the damage, stop the signals from the brain to the muscles. There is hope for the treatment of people with spinal cord injuries. At the moment, American scientists conducted by the University of Washington, an experiment on monkeys only. The study appears in the journal Nature. SCI injured nerves conduct impulses from the brain to the limbs of man. According to researchers, people with paralysis of the four limbs consciously control the activity of neurons in the motor cortex of the brain that are responsible for the movement of the hands, even after years of paralysis. Scientists a special device that is as brain-machine interface for stimulation of the limbs. Specialists on this device change the signal routing motor area of the cerebral cortex temporarily paralyzed monkeys and sent them directly from the brain to the muscles of the hands. The device is a device about the size of a mobile phone with which to interpret the brain signals and convert them into electrical impulses, which can stimulate the muscles of the limbs. Experts have high hopes for this device, and we hope that many people are able to be paralyzed movement without assistance.

Steroids cause aggression

The young people taking anabolic steroids, two times greater risk of involvement in violence than those who do not take the drug to build muscle, U.S. researchers reported. Scientists conducted a study that young men from 6823 to 1994, when they were high school students, and studied until 2002. It was found that men who take steroids in the past year or at any other time in her life used to abuse two times more likely than those who did not take the drugs were. These fights, fights, shootings, which reported injuries requiring medical attention was expressed, the researchers said. According to experts, the problem of steroids is very serious, because many young people "addicted" to it, wanting to be visually impressive. Because of strong muscle mass In return steroids to have a different effect, they can a person very aggressive, as significantly increased when given levels of the male hormone testosterone. Problem of the influence of steroids at that time not yet fully understood, the expert said. However, the researchers recommend the use of steroids in sight, since the drug and hormone can lead to various problems in physical and mental nature.

Matriarchy also cruel: War can not be avoided

This is the result of the German zoologist who studied the bonobo, pygmy chimpanzees. As common chimpanzees, bonobos - social animals. There is an interesting difference in the society of the species, if a chimp in a society dominated by men, then bonobos, on the contrary, occupies the position of female managers. For a long time it was believed that because of the peaceful matriarchal bonobo with its neighbors. However, this was not the case, the women of the company not less xenophobia against other monkeys than men, which sometimes comes to cannibalism, set zoologists. It has long been known that physical aggression in chimpanzees with the hunt, eat meat and subcontractors of the men associated in this hunt. The need to combine forces, along with aggressive hunter lead to establishment of a strict hierarchical relationship. This hierarchy must ultimately obey and women. In bonobos system of social relations that. On a different principle Smoothed by promiscuity and free sex and masturbation collective many conflicts, no aggression and develop not expire. The females are more sociable and therefore better together and build relationships with each other and eventually take the initiative in social relations, males pushed into second place. Experts who examined the bonobo population are in the last five years, new facts not known previously opened in their lives. It turned out that these people who have intraspecific aggression, reduced very intolerant of other monkeys.

British surgeon does not remove the gall bladder, the patient

The surgeons of the London Hospital of St Mary accidentally removed a woman healthy gallbladder. The scandal is the fact that the hospital is the current health minister Ara Darzi (Ara Darzi) tightened. The woman was admitted to the hospital for gynecological diagnosis, but they laparoscopic gallbladder removal instead of other patients with the same surname. The surgery was uneventful, but the absence of gallbladder impaired digestion, require special diets and may have some long-term effects that have put the so-called postcholecystectomical syndrome. In fact initiated an internal investigation into the incident, as the conditions of the hospital include multiple layers of protection against such errors. First, each patient comes to surgery to have the arm band to sign to be worn with a personal number, a letter of agreement for a particular operation, and always carry their medical records. Secondly, controlled information about a transaction for a particular patient surgical nurse, anesthetist and the surgeon himself. Under such circumstances, patients confuse difficult. If a woman opts for a hospital to request court, the amount of compensation in the hundreds of thousands of pounds. For the surgeon removes the gallbladder healthy full incident seriously their careers.

In Ukraine, 600 to 800 thousand people - drug addicts

The number of people who use illegal drugs in Ukraine official data is about 100,000. However, the actual number is estimated to MIA 10-12 times longer and can 600-800000 to reach UNIAN reports. Narkozavimymi increasingly targeted at minors and young children under the age of 30. In Ukraine, according to Interpol, is about 70,000 drug dealers. To get for teenagers, illegal drugs is no longer a problem. Studies have shown that the average age of drug users - 9-13 years - 13-15 years, and in some cities even younger. According to statistics: Kirovograd, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regions and the city of Kiev is a danger zone. Number of drug addicts in the country in recent years, growing at a very fast pace. For 10,000 people is 24 addicts. And this is only the official statistics, which also virtually ignored those who use non-injection drugs (marijuana, barbiturates, hallucinogens). Drugs covered in nightclubs, parties, educational institutions (rating places where young people buy drugs: Dance -, 20% - 49%, in the streets - 34%, at parties - 34% in the markets - 26%, in the pharmacies Education - 14%, on the beaches and in parks - 9%). Experts believe that marijuana. After approximately 60% of adolescents It is believed that the pass "marijuana" addiction, but without missing a beat drugs, experts say. There is also the view that marijuana - no drugs.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Do you have an enzyme capable of dealing with the AIDS virus

Found in human cells effective means of AIDS, scientists reported. Specialists have found that the man in the cell already a cure for AIDS, but until recently, no one knew how to use it. Scientists have found a cellular enzyme called APOBEC-3G, could open with the help of new directions in the treatment of AIDS. It turns out, is APOBEC-3G in every cell of the human body. The enzyme is able to destroy the HIV viral DNA synthesis. Scientists were able to determine the chemical structure of the enzyme that binds to the virus, it causes mutations in the gene structure and the subsequent destruction of the virus. When the body is an enzyme, why does it not protect against the AIDS virus, is it? Experts believe this is due to the fact that the AIDS virus., A special protein to block the action of APOBEC-3G Scientists have been studying how exactly is suppressed APOBEC-3G. This data will help in the development of a new class of antiviral drugs, which activates the process of destruction of the virus by the enzyme. In addition to HIV infection, the enzyme APOBEC-3G can also destroy the hepatitis B virus, the researchers reported.

Created an effective cure for cancer with fewer side effects

American scientists from the University of Washington created a drug to treat certain types of cancer, the analog is superior in the 1200-times is. Scientists used to create a new drug is as wormwood plant used in traditional Chinese medicine known. Conducted as part of the experiments in laboratory rodents in laboratories at the University has been shown to cause the extract from wormwood successfully destroy cancer cells, leukemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Unfortunately, conventional chemotherapy not only kills cancer cells but also healthy - 5-10 cancer accounts for a healthy cell. It is this due to the harsh side effects of chemotherapy. Experiments have shown that the new drug kills a normal cell for 12 thousand cancer. According to the results, a new drug with far fewer side effects are used, and in high doses. Experts say it is possible the use of new, more effective forms of chemotherapy, have minimal side effects. Wide to become a new tool requires at least 6-7 years of testing, the researchers reported.

Alcohol reduces brain volume

Alcohol reduces the volume of the brain. The higher dose of alcohol, the greater the risk of a reduction in the volume of the brain, say scientists. It has long been known that as we age his brain becomes smaller and loses about 1.9% of its volume in a decade. Furthermore, there are diseases that affect the brain, such as brain volume increases with the development of dementia. Researchers from Wellesley College conducted a study with the participation of 1,800 people. Specialists carried out a survey and tested (including images of the brain took) the participants of the experiment, since 1971. A detailed description of the experiment in the journal Archives of Neurology published. The questionnaire, which was filled for the experiment, and found. The number of servings of alcohol they consumed during the week Comparison of the results of the questionnaires and data analysis led to the conclusion that more and more a person drinks, the more "shrink" his brain. Previously it was thought that moderate alcohol consumption can positively prevent the brain as well as in small doses, alcohol heart disease, but these ideas were wrong.

Scientists have found fecal bacteria on the hands of many people

One of four S-hands there fecal bacteria, British researchers reported. Scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine examined the bacteria on the hands of the 409 people on buses and at stations in five major cities in England and Wales. The further it. Northward over the more commuters with faecal bacteria on their hands The worst results were men living in Newcastle. Experts stressed that hand hygiene is important to prevent disease. Experts believe that the presence of fecal bacteria on the hands of the people means that they do not wash their hands after using the toilet. The men were contamination on hands almost twice sighted more frequently than women. The scientists were surprised to receive such data. People who used a bus, his hands were dirtier than those who move the train used. The people who perform physical labor were clean by hand than the other professions, students and pensioners. According to scientists, hand hygiene - a very important aspect of human health. The presence of fecal bacteria on the hands is accompanied by a potential source of infection, diarrhea, vomiting, fever. People should wash their hands after using the bathroom, before he turned to the table, and after contact with animals, the scientists suggest.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Scientists have created a new pill for malaria with cherry flavor

New tablets with cherry flavor of malaria drugs act like normal, but do not lead to problems when they rescued their children, many lives, scientists say. New pills are not as bitter as other medicines to treat malaria. This is a very welcome, where the disease is to help very often. Their children in the areas of A new type of pill is effective and easy to use, said the expert from the Institute in Tanzania. Article about the new anti malaria pills was published in the journal Lancet. According to the WHO, malaria caused the death of 881 thousand people and 247 million people affected by the disease. According to experts, many people underestimate the danger of the situation, progress since the disease resistance to some drugs, and work on a vaccine only slowly. The problem with conventional medicine is that children are not completely swallow pills, and they do not like the bitter taste that much more difficult to treat. The study included 899 children, some of whom receive tablets with cherry flavor, while others given the usual pills against malaria. These two drugs have the same medical records. After 28 days, the researchers found that the effect of treatment with the same, only reception cherry pills do not cause problems, in comparison with other medicines you are taking children. Experts hope that the new tablet will facilitate the treatment of malaria in children in Africa, where the problem of this disease is very serious.

In St. Petersburg, the child died from blood loss caused by ENT

47-year-old audiologist Petersburg Children's Hospital № 2 Madeleine blame for the deaths of five children. The criminal case against the doctor opened in Part 2 of Article 109 of the Penal Code (causing death by negligence due to improper performance of their professional duties), ITAR-TASS reported. The investigation revealed that the 24th September 2007 ENT specialist elective surgery tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy had year old child. If patient care in the hospital doctor made the stage a number of shortcomings. It's been a delay in the diagnosis of bleeding, inadequate hemostasis and adequate replenishment of blood loss, a spokesman for the Investigative Division. As a result, at 11 clock on the day of surgery, the child develops hypovolemic hemorrhagic shock, which led to his death, said the department. Currently, the criminal case against the doctor to the court investigation department for the investigation department Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg.

In Nizhny Novgorod, two children died of poisoning by pesticides

Two young children died from poisoning in Vadskom district Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, the AMI-TASS. The noise until established substance admitted four residents to the hospital. According to the Regional Emergency Management, 13 October complain nausea and vomiting sought medical residents storey house is designed to accommodate two families. When the ambulance arrived at the house of two children died in 2006 and 2008, the year of birth. Four other people were hospitalized. According to the MOE, the cause of the accident was poisoned by pesticides. When viewed from the house emergencies ministry found five empty cans from the budget for the etching of grain from rodents and spilled on the ground powder of unknown origin. In order to establish the cause of the poisoning and death of children is a forensic espertiza. Sanitary-epidemiological study conducted by specialists Rospotrebnadzor: spot samples were taken from the contents of the containers of pesticides, water and food included.

Premature ejaculation - a genetic problem, not psychological

Scientists have found a gene that controls the speed of ejaculation in men. It turns out that the reason for the thorny issue of genetic predisposition, is not a psychological problem. Dutch researchers conducted the study, which was attended by 89 men suffer from premature ejaculation. It should be noted that the object of the investigation was the so-called primary premature ejaculation. Men with this condition have always had problems with ejaculation, starting with the first sexual intercourse and throughout life. The trial lasted a month. Partners, participants in the experiment had measured with a stopwatch time from sexual intercourse until ejaculation are. Men who occasionally appeared premature ejaculation, or those in which she appeared at a much later age, were not included in the study. They found that men with premature ejaculation, the drug less active serotonin in the brain cells that. The control of ejaculation Serotonin is used for the transmission of impulses from one nerve cell to another. People with an impaired activity of such a transmission of data is broken, which is manifested premature ejaculation. The gene responsible for the production of serotonin can have three options: very active, moderately active and inactive. The last option is the primary cause of premature ejaculation, the sexologists have long considered a psychological problem.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ecstasy destroys memory

Use of ecstasy leads to severe memory problems, scientists say. In a broad sense, ecstasy - every drug on the basis of substituted amphetamines and amphetamine, are sold in tablet and oral in a particular situation disco. Often, neither the seller nor the buyer is not exactly what the substance of the relationship between in tablet form and is aware of the drug's effect. Synthetic drug "day off" Ecstasy is widely used because of its availability. The researchers analyzed 26 studies involving more than 600 people who had used ecstasy at least once in their lifetime. Experts compared the results of a study with a control group of people who had never used the drug. They found that people who consumed ecstasy at least once in their lives, fundamental differences in the higher nervous activity compared to those who were never the drug. Particularly affected short-term and long-term memory of taking the medication. According to scientists, the most dangerous phenomenon is the availability of drugs. You should the impact of the Internet on the issue be taken, experts say. Give search engines, if the word "ecstasy" the first results of websites that are intended to promote the drug, and the pages to give drugs are directly behind them, the expert said.

Caffeine does not cause breast cancer

Not a study of nearly 40 million women the precise relationship between caffeine consumption and breast cancer, although some women with lumpy breasts may be at risk, scientists say. The results of several previous studies have shown that caffeine can play an important role in the development of breast cancer for those who regularly drink coffee - one of the most popular beverages in the world. However, the results of the study of 38,432 American women for a few years, scientists have not found the exact relationship between caffeine consumption and breast cancer. The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. However, among women with benign tumors who drank more than four cups of coffee daily, the risk of breast cancer was significantly higher, the researchers said. The results showed that caffeine in large quantities affects the progression of benign tumors in breast cancer, scientists say. The experts found no such relationship in the experimental group participants who drank at least four cups of coffee daily. Caffeine is found not only in coffee but also in tea, chocolate and some medications. How caffeine can affect the occurrence of breast cancer, scientists have yet to figure out, because at this time they are not able to explain the process.

Low levels of vitamin D may contribute to Parkinson's disease

Perhaps the extra vitamin D can alleviate symptoms of Parkinson's disease, U.S. researchers hope. Scientists conducted a study that 55% of patients with Parkinson's disease had low levels of vitamin D found in comparison to 36% of healthy elderly people. However, the experts at Emory University, not exactly say that there is a lack of vitamin D the cause of Parkinson's disease. The study was published in the journal Archives of Neurology. Parkinson's disease affects nerve cells in several areas of the brain, particularly those that control motor activity. The disease was in the past known as "shaking palsy", but it is described in full details and first as a separate nosological entity in 1817 by James Parkinson. Pervoopisatelya named the disease and was subsequently named. The cause of Parkinson's disease has not been fully understood. But it seems effective in the development of the disease as a genetic predisposition as well as neurotoxins and free radicals, to neuronal damage, depletion of dopamine in these stocks, disruption of their activities and ultimately death of the nerve cells, the researchers reported. According to experts, the chemical dopamine, can be used as medicine to better deal with problems. People with Parkinson's disease was also small amounts of vitamin D, which found important for normal cell function.

Frequent stress in women lead to cardiovascular diseases

Emotions and stress are more dangerous for women than for men, the American cardiologist. Scientists at Cornell University in New York (USA) conducted a study, which means that women often have problems with the cardiovascular system to stressful situations found. In men, this trend was less noticed specialists. Gender differences were seen in the results of the analysis by physicians. Regular psycho-emotional stress, nervousness and excessive anxiety cause chest pain, shortness of breath and unstable heartbeat. Unlike men, women, and a permanently high stress meant imminent occurrence of heart problems. But according to medical reports that emphasize difficulties in identifying coronary heart disease after a risk-based, that women have chest pain and shortness of breath occur much less often than men, so women rarely go to the doctor in the early stages of the disease go.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Financial problems are gradually robs us of sleep

The experience of the proper distribution of the household budget makes waking up in the night, about half of the people, the British scientists. Experts a study that surveyed 1,000 men and women from the United Kingdom. Almost half of the participants in the study complained that they. Restless sleep now than a year ago A fifth of the respondents said that they sleep less than five hours a night, a quarter - woke up three times a night. Scientists have found that the main cause of poor sleep experience a third of respondents employment and financial situation: The calculation and plan their income and expenses. 30% complained that they often wake up because snoring partner. The problem of insomnia and restless sleep becomes more urgent with each passing year. Inadequate amount of sleep has a negative effect on health in general and the possible activity during the day, see specialists. Scientists advise, follow simple guidelines to the quality of sleep, such as: Do not use stimulants before sleep, such as caffeine, and drink a glass of milk or a cup of hot chocolate. It is also recommended to relax before going to bed to do something that will change the way of thinking and distract from the problems. Let us read, for example, a warm bath or a good book. These simple techniques can improve significantly extend and sleep, experts say.

The height of a female voice reflects the ability to comprehend

A woman's voice is higher during the menstrual cycle, it is best suited for the design. According to new research by American scientists Distinguish these unconscious "signal" male ear enhances sexual attractiveness of women, increasing the likelihood of conception. Researchers offered by the University of California in Los Angeles, women 69 to record your voice in different periods of the menstrual cycle. It turned out that. With the height of ovulation voters and reached a maximum of 2 days prior to ovulation, when conception is most likely to Of course, the voice changes during the cycle are low, but sufficient to detect the voice decoder and the male ear. And clearly defined pitch increase was introduced in the pronunciation of phrases from the quantity offered, the women are of an imaginary person observed. Scientists suspect that the higher one and the same voice sounds feminine woman, signaling increased sexuality and physical readiness to conceive.

Found a new gene responsible for causing tuberculosis

Scientists have a gene found for the occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis, according to Reuters. An international team of scientists in Singapore (Indonesia) study conducted in which they., A new gene that found an important role in the development of pulmonary tuberculosis The gene was named TLR8. In the study, experts found that the sensitivity of the human genome to tuberculosis TLR8, which is located on the X chromosome, determined. Men are more susceptible to tuberculosis, because they only have one X chromosome and therefore have only one version of the gene. Women with two X chromosomes, have two different versions of the same gene, which contributes to an increased resistance to infection. TB - an infectious disease of humans and animals (mainly cattle, pigs, chickens) caused by various types of acid-fast bacilli. The disease is easily spread, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis is preserved in the area. One third of the world's population infected with tuberculosis, but only 5 - 10% of the disease occurs. According to the researchers found a gene TLR8, is responsible for the development of tuberculosis, opens up new possibilities in the study of the interaction between bacteria and the human disease. Also available are new drugs to treat tuberculosis, especially drug-resistant forms, which occur frequently in people with the disease.

Of fatty foods, the brain suffers

High-calorie diet leads to a disruption of the vital areas of the brain, even if the person does not gain weight, U.S. researchers reported. Evaluators noted a study that over-the-calorie foods, admission of our body, the activation of molecules called IKKbeta / NK-kappaB, the metabolic disturbances caused contribute in the tissue. Activation of these molecules disrupts the activity of hormones such as insulin and leptin, which explain to impaired metabolism, leading neurologists. According to laboratory tests, through an association between obesity and the development of metabolic disturbances in muscle and liver tissue, which in turn performed on various diseases. As experts point out that increasing calorie foods, the effect of molecules IKKbeta / NK-kappaB, damage to the hippocampus, neural disorders and poor communication important functions of the central nervous system which.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Loud music and headphones can cause hearing loss

One in ten of the owner or the CD-MP3 player with a high risk for hearing loss, because they often hear very loud music, the researchers reported. Experts claim that the regular music listening more than an hour a day for five years, is the biggest risk to hearing. About 10 million people in Europe, including children and young people from addiction to listen to music through headphones suffer. According to statistics, 50 to 100 million people daily use music player. The European Commission is required to conduct an independent study on this issue, because the problem of the influence of music players on the increasingly health among young people. For security, the EU noise is limited in headphones the music player to 100 dB, but there is growing concern about the very frequent listening at high volumes. Many music lovers turn up the volume to drown out the noise more than 89 decibels of public transport. An independent panel of experts from the study found that 5 to 10 percent of music listeners (2.5 to 10 million euros) are in danger. Scientists are very concerned that the owner of the music player for listening to music at high volume may damage your hearing permanently, not to know. Will try to find a solution for this problem, but at this stage, high volume fans keep your ears and do not significantly increase the volume you recommend.

Scientists have found the genes responsible for hair loss in men

Scientists have genes that increase sevenfold found the risk of hair loss in men, reports the BBC. An international team of researchers conducted a study of 5,000 men who were present, among whom those who are faced with hair loss, and those who have had no such problems were. Participants were analyzed DNA. As a result, the experts have two locations in the human genome, which can be found for hair loss in men. Based on the data, presenting seven men both genetic variants. The study was published in the journal Nature Genetics. Ability to predict hair loss at an early stage could increase the effectiveness of preventive treatment, experts say. In the first phase of the study, researchers examined the gene in 500 men with the problem of hair loss and 500 men who do not suffer from hair loss. Experts from the University of Bradford is a genetic difference in the two regions. A body was found in the gene for the androgen receptor, which was previously associated with hair loss in men. Another location was. On chromosome 20 in the vicinity of genes that were not known Chromosome 20 can be inherited from either the mother or the father. But women are much less likely to have the disorder. Be determined by the study in advance and prevent hair loss, experts say.

Each fruit and vegetables protect against cancer

Scientists have contained a substance in almost all fruits and vegetables that may protect against the onset of cancer found, reports the BBC. Experts have found pectin substance contained in almost all fruits and vegetables - potatoes from plums helps to fight the disease. According to Professor Vic Morris from the British Institute of Nutrition, the presence of substances such as pectin useful in almost all fruits and vegetables gives us the opportunity not to the most useful products, such as blueberries and just concentrate in the diet a large amount of fruit and vegetables . Many people eat mainly food to be particularly useful, and forget about the rest grown in the past two years in the UK sales of blueberries by 132%. According to experts of pectin substance is very effective in the prevention of cancer, and it is contained in other products of plant origin, the use of a variety of fruits and vegetables may have a beneficial effect, as have the use of a performance of one of them, also very useful. Scientists do not give up stir particularly useful products, but advised not to forget about the other vegetables and fruits.

Known protein eliminates pain eight times more effective than morphine

Scientists from the U.S. and Finland have discovered that a protein long known to human nerve cells suppresses pain eight times more potent than morphine. This protein enzyme was stable to fluorine acid phosphatase (FRAP), in the cells of the pain system. It is the function of the cells of the system changes in the way that the activation of painful reactions followed by their suppression. To examine individual cell types, researchers label rule to the content of specific proteins specific to particular cells. As such a marker for nerve cells (neurons) of the perception of pain (nociceptive system) in the last 50 years with the fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase. However, the gene encoding this enzyme has not been identified. Researchers at the University of North Carolina previously noted that the structure identical FRAP enzyme acid prostate phosphatase (PAP). Upon request, researchers at the University of Helsinki brought genetically engineered mice that lacked a known gene PAP. In these mice lacking not only the PAP and FRAP, which shows the complete identity of these proteins. Bred mice differed dramatically increased sensitivity to pain. The introduction of excess FRAP in their CSF significantly reduced pain responses. Through the power of the analgesic effect of this protein was similar to morphine, but unlike him not to trade 5-6 hours and about three days. The scientists also discovered the mechanism by which the action is implemented FRAP.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Intestinal response to the bitter taste

American scientists have discovered that the small intestine detects a bitter taste and reacts slower digestion. In this way the body itself provides additional protection against food toxins that are usually bitter in taste. Researchers from the University of California at Irvine found that when mice were injected into the stomach of bitter substances, enabled in her small intestine receptors for bitterness. Activation of these receptors leads to an increased production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which reduces appetite and prevents the consumption of large quantities of toxins and slows progress by toxins in food poisoning through the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the chances of it be removed by vomiting and the reduction of the rate of absorption of toxins. Moreover, it was found that the activity of receptors for bitterness increases at low concentrations of cholesterol. It is assumed that this is rich in cholesterol than animal to a higher content of bitter substances toxins in bad cholesterol plant foods. The data obtained are used in the development of new dosage forms, which absorbed the bitter medicine at normal speed.

Energy saving light bulbs can cause redness of the skin

Can close the energy-saving bulbs redness of the skin through the emission of UV light, experts warn. Representatives of the Health Protection Agency warned that at a distance from the energy-saving lamp 30 cm - not safe for health. Although long thought that energy-saving LED light bulbs with fluorescent spray are safe. According to experts, the ultraviolet radiation from these lamps is equivalent to direct sunlight. However, if the lamp to direct light rays, the problem is avoided. Scientists have studied the effects of energy saving lamps open check at a distance of 30 cm away from the body for more than one hour per day. As a result, experts have found that these lamps can cause redness of the skin, but do not panic and abandon the use of these lamps simply desirable to limit the distance between the human skin and light, and avoid direct light from the lamps, the scientist says. The risk of cancer of the skin from the effects of energy saving lamps was not identified.

Using talcum powder results in ovarian cancer

Scientists have found a direct correlation between the regular use of talc in the genital area and the occurrence of ovarian cancer. Experts analyzed 16 studies that involved about three thousand women. It has been found that the use of talc in the genital area increased more than once per week, the risk of cancer by 30%. This study was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. According to scientists, the small particles of talc are able to migrate to fall on the internal sex organs, women, where they can reach the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Foreign body in the form of microscopic particles of talc cause inflammatory and immune responses of the body, which cause in the long web cancer. In conjunction with the results of the study, experts recommend avoiding regular use (more than once a week) of talcum powder to the genital area. Can be used as an alternative to talcum powder used on the basis of corn starch (cornstarch), experts say.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fashion Jewelry sedative affects women

Buy new earrings or rings can help women reduce stress and improves mood. A matching jewelry is a kind of trance, and makes it possible to extract from the daily thoughts. This leap from reality positively on the nervous system than eight hours of sleep, say psychologists. Scientists conducted a study that the jewelry on women's health has taken a big impact. They believe that in order to calm down in the evening or before an important meeting, enough to scatter on the table and a few minutes to sort your favorite ornaments, admiring them. Glitter colored glass pieces will help you relax. In addition, jewelry heal physically. Especially if it made from natural materials. The tree contains aromatic resins and oils that gradually evaporates, leading us invisible aromatherapy. Shells containing substances that have a numbing effect. It is noted that the fans of pearl jewelry Analgin rarely drink and go to the doctor. Another positive effect of the provision of jewelry when they deal, for example when buying wholesale jewelry. Actually due to its multi-color, it can be part of the color treatment. According to experts, pure color effect on the energy balance in humans. Therefore, with the bright costume jewelry can simulated mood. For example, yellow evokes work, strength adds red, blue curbs appetite, soothing brown, orange reduces anxiety.

Loans can lead to mental health problems

Psychological shock associated with reduced economic status, can be a serious threat to the mental health, according to British scientists. Investigated transfer of collateral, credit defaults by experts as the third largest risk of mental health problems after weight loss and diagnosis of infertility. Researchers call for the reduction of risk, which leads to mental illness. This study was related to the fact that, according to those in the United Nations, the majority of the cost of England accounts for the healthcare industry in mental health issues. This is the highest among European countries. According to scientists, the loan is a major risk factor for mental health problems. In turn, if a person has had such problems, then it is more difficult without a credit certificates, which also causes to get serious psychological trauma. According to experts, as necessary to protect citizens from the negative effects of credit obligations. May help a more flexible system of payments and the time of redemption of securities, the researchers suggest.