Thursday, August 15, 2013

Regular stress lead to weight gain

Millions of poor children in the U.S. are overweight at the age of 10 years. This happens due to stress, which carry their mother in search of shelter and food, according to U.S. scientists. Experts from the University of Illinois, in a study that found the feeling of stress triggers hunger. For this reason, people of low economic income, are constantly under stress. Due to financial problems, and more likely to eat junk food in general, which leads to a metabolic disorder In such a difficult economic situation, the children eat more in response to stress-related problems in the family. The results show that. The need for social protection for families with low economic level, such as food stamps, education finance, health insurance Obesity in the U.S. and many other countries is very serious, the government allocated huge funds for the fight against this common problem. It may be worth more, to change the approach to solving the problem and invest in the correction of the causes that circumvent obesity, and not the consequences, say scientists.

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