Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Products to promote overeating in small packages

Products in small packages help prevent over eating, as a buyer, dealing with food in small packages, are less likely to control the amount eaten. This is the result of research, published in the Journal of Consumer Research. "Consumers believe that small packages of products intended for pleasure, to regulate their consumption -. Especially if they are concerned about weight management, however, this representation can lead to the opposite result, contributes to a greater consumption of" hedonic "products" - the authors write. The study authors, Rita Coelho Vale (Rita Coelho do Vale) at the Technical University of Lisbon, Rick Peters (Rik Pieters) Zelenberg and Marcel (Marcel Zeelenberg) of the University of the Dutch city of Tilburg, conducted an experiment in which the participants reported that they needed to evaluate advertising rollers. Before starting the experiment the researchers 'updated' concerns subjecting his body and asked her to fill out a few tests on the tendency to become overweight, and weigh and measure their body in front of a mirror. Further study participants showed a few episodes "Friends," by advertising that interrupted by the subjects, they were evaluated. In fact, scientists estimate the consumption of chips, the subjects could take in any amount. In one case, the chips in large packs, the other wrapped - in miniature. The results showed that the inclusion of chips was lower in the group, when the chips were in large packs. "The proliferation of small packets leads to the fact that consumers perceive as innocent fun snack - small sins" - the authors write.

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