Saturday, August 17, 2013

Scientists have found a gene that affects the stability of family relationships

Swiss scientists could find the correlation between the quality of family life and the number of men to RS3 334 gene variants in his genome, reports the BBC. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 552 heterosexual couples. Biologists have found that men who have both chromosomes. No choice gene RS3 334, more happy in the family Married men who had been present in the genome of one or two copies of the gene variant is less stable and more likely to change life partner. In addition, a survey of women found that women were more satisfied with the relationship, if men do not have the gene variant RS3 334. According to experts the gene encodes for a human RS3 a vasopressin receptor, which is present in the brains of most mammals. Previously found an association between the hormone and the monogamous voles. Scientists admit that, even though the relationship between genes and the relationship is, but weak, so do not talk "genetic predisposition to the family fortune." Moreover, in the future, the researchers conducted a study on the loyalty of the men gene surveys RS3 base.

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