Sunday, August 11, 2013

Scientists are developing a new method for diagnosis of cancer

At the University of Oklahoma, a new method for early detection of cancer. The essence of it is that a tumor is detected by a laser beam, said Washington ProFile. Scientists say this method is that the formation of tumors in the lung and the human breast, a slight modification of the chemical composition of exhaled air - changes are a consequence of the metabolism of cancer cells. This observation was used to train the dogs literally sniffed patient and determines whether, and they have cancer. Implemented in 2006 in the U.S. have shown that dogs nose is the correct diagnosis in 88-97% of cases. Now replace the dog is a special sensor that would detect the breath of certain molecules that are associated with cancer. It uses a low-power laser. The developers of the new method indicated that this technology looks very promising, though only preliminary tests carried out. But it is expected that the industrial manufacture of these sensors can be adjusted in 10 years.

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