Thursday, August 8, 2013

Babies are unable to recognize emotion of four months

Experts point out that using infrared spectroscopy, they could only respond to what parts of the brain of the child view of another person. In the first experiment, adults watched the child, and then with a smile and a raised eyebrow looks away. It turned out that a closer look at the child reacted the same areas of the brain, as in adults, and they are able to observe how non-verbal signals in communication, as a lifting of the eyebrows during a smile that friendship expresses. Although Professor Mark Johnson argues that even infants pay attention to the expression of the human face, especially at a time when the person looks at him. Experts also point out that the emotions conveyed by facial expression - an important part of interaction between children and parents, as well as the mental development of children. Previously, Canadian scientists have proved that to do their first conclusions children aged eight months, and that's right from wrong can at the age of six months.

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