Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jogging help recover from stroke

Jogging to improve the state of the brain and the physical condition of people with stroke and undergo a rehabilitation program, according to scientists. The main problem for people after a stroke is that they do not know how to walk, according to professor of clinical neurology and neurorehabilitation at the University of Zurich is. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 70 people with stroke. Including 34 participants in the study were assigned to exercise for rehabilitation, and the other 36 participants - electric treadmill three times a week. As a result of 6 months a significant improvement in brain function and overall health in 51% of the group whose members employed on a treadmill, and only 11% of the conventional rehabilitation program. The study was published in the journal Stroke. According to experts, the participants involved on the treadmill, walking speed and significantly improved physical fitness in comparison with the second group. This is especially important because sedentary patients with stroke, the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes leads. Training on a treadmill help cerebral blood flow in stroke patients to improve even after a course of conventional rehabilitation program.

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