Thursday, August 8, 2013

A blood test can indicate the risk of preterm birth

Scientists argue that assess the level of fatty acids in the blood, the risk of premature birth. Fatty acids are the main energy source for the body, the researchers stressed. Dr. Theresa O. Scholl School of Medicine in New Jersey, and Dr. Chen Xinhua noted that the effect of fatty acids during pregnancy has not been studied in detail. Author of the article published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, the researchers conducted a study in which measurements fatty acid levels in the blood of pregnant women who were in the third trimester of pregnancy. Experts considered bodyweight participants and other factors. The results showed that in women, which is to fatty acids in the blood, which was the highest during pregnancy, the risk of preterm birth was 3.5 times higher. The authors emphasize that no excess weight, the. Before pregnancy, a number of other factors whose influence on preterm birth is a proven fact, for example, smoking, a history of preterm birth, ethnicity, not connected to the identified relationships

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