Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Alcohol, even in the third knee increases the risk of alcohol dependence

With relatives in the third knees suffer from alcoholism, increases the risk of alcohol dependence, scientists say. Most of the genetic predisposition to alcoholism research conducted previously focused attention to alcoholic parents tend to his father, but recent data show that not only the closest family members may contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. In the study, researchers Cycled 408 students (293 girls and 115 boys) from American University. With the new method, the female relatives to the third degree, resulted in a large group of students who studied for about 29 percent of the overall increased risk for alcohol abuse, the researchers reported. Staff Research Center for the study of addiction to alcohol Kapoun Crystal Brown University, said that there are other factors contributing to the development of alcoholism, such as a common housing, social circle, the age at which a person first starts, alcohol drinking and smoking. Experts believe that all of these risk factors are actually related. Since alcoholism among relatives, usually smoking and drinking causes at an early age, as relatives, certainly in the areas of communication and their behavior is a model for the child or adolescent. All this in turn contributes to the development of alcoholism and problems in children in this age manifest. In summary, the experts said that the students of various educational institutions, among people who have relatives with alcohol, with an increased risk of alcohol dependence in the long term fall after graduation, said Kapoun. But scientists point out that not every person with a drinking relatives, must needs be an alcoholic or have some associated problems. Alcoholism is a very complex mechanism of occurrence and the entire case and the behavior of adult alcoholics - are some of the factors that influence its occurrence.

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