Friday, August 30, 2013

Cleaning the house - an effective means of stress

We found a very simple and effective remedy for stress and depression, said researchers from the Medical College, University of London. According to experts, intensive weekly cleaning in the house for 20 minutes a positive impact on mental health. It was also found that the physical activity that is not connected to the work on the house. Also beneficial not only for the physical but also mental health Scientists conducted a study that suffering that people who exercise at least once a week, from a mental disorder, probably by 33% less than those who do not exercise at all found. The same people who are actively engaged in the housework at least once a week, suffer from mental disorders, the less by 20% than those who do not have any homework. The study authors noted that the cleaning of the house or cleaning facades should be conducted in a vigorous pace that people felt the load, and for at least 20 minutes. This burden, according to scientists, significantly reduces inflammation, improves the regulation of glucose and strengthens the cardiovascular system. But three of these biological factors contribute to depression, said the expert.

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