Monday, August 12, 2013

Alcoholism leads to impaired reproductive function in women

Alcoholism leads to undesirable changes in the reproductive function of women, and have had no influence on the ability to offspring in men, Australian researchers reported. Scientists conducted a large-scale study of the relationship of alcohol and reproduction. Data sample of Australian twins born two groups between 1893-1964 years. (3634 male and 1880 female twins, twins) and 1964-1971. (3381 female twins and twins in 2748 men). Scientists have found that the two groups of women dependent on alcohol, gave birth to her first child. At an older age For men, such a relationship was not found. According to Mary Waldron, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine, is the first study in which the effects of alcohol on fertility was seen in the context of early childbearing. Previously, Waldron notes, scientists have focused on children and adolescents or adults, but rarely - in both groups. According to experts, in general, the effects of alcohol on the reproductive look far. The consequences of such a relationship would be: menstrual disorders, sexual disorders, complications during pregnancy. The researchers do not recommend a man who loves to drink, to manipulate the data in this study. Because the difference in the effect on fertility is likely due to the fact that when using the same amount of alcohol concentration in the blood is higher in women than men. But alcohol has a negative effect on other organs and systems of the body men.

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