Monday, August 26, 2013

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, which is held by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of these days - to draw attention to a million lives annually interrupted by suicide. To date, suicide becomes a problem of world health. On our planet, as a result of suicide kills more people than wars and violent death combined. Half of the deaths due to unnatural causes in the whole world falls to commit suicide. According to WHO, the total number of deaths by suicide each year, about 800 thousand people. Age, more than half of suicides - 15 to 44 years. According to preliminary forecasts up to 2020, the number of suicide may increase in the half. The main cause of teenage suicide is unrequited love. Parents often do not notice the traumatized child, or simply not be serious problem. Then the young, overly dramatize the situation and the search for understanding, venture a desperate step. Many of them want the attention and hope to get on error, setting up "indicative suicide." However, such efforts can be fatal and lead to death. In every life there are moments when the mind inevitably have thought about suicide. Cold, confusion, apathy and indifference of the other - can all entice perform a fatal error. When the time of the serious state of mind of his close to notice and seek professional help, you can prevent tragedy. Also, as reported earlier on our site is a religious country, the lower the suicide cases it has happened. This is the result of experts after analyzing the statistics of 67 states reached.

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