Friday, August 30, 2013

Errors in the actions can be predicted for 30 seconds before shutting off

An error in the actions of one person can be predicted for 30 seconds before it is made, say Norwegian researchers. Scientists conducted an experiment in which it was possible to show that the work of uninteresting man is stupid, and often such degradation threatens employees passport and immigration checks at airports. Perform monotonous tasks of the brain starts in the autopilot, which means that the cause difficulties even simple tasks, and errors are more means to work. But maybe find a way to avoid it, as the researchers argue that the error can be predicted within 30 seconds, until they are committed. To determine this, the researchers analyzed the brain activity using a special scanner. As a result, they were able to predict the errors in half a minute before it's completed. At this point, the brain begins to work economically, less work to accomplish the same task. This increases the activity in other areas of the brain that is activated normally in the idle state. The results of this research are to develop a special system of scientists early warning pilots. For this pilot head the unit is connected, are pictures of the brain signals and warnings for 30 seconds before you think to start the wrong course. Upon receipt of such a signal, the person is focused on the task, and alert. Maybe in 15 years, scientists say such scanners equipped mobile phones and even they will not only pilots and staff passport control, but also as drivers.

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