Friday, August 16, 2013

Increased appetite may indicate fertility problems

Violation of appetite can indicate reproductive effects in the body, according to the staff of the California Institute of Biological Research. According to scientists for appetite and weight is the same gene that regulates fertility. This gene is used as a TORC. He played an important role in the neural regulation of metabolism. It is from the work of this gene influences the amount of food we consume, as well as our ability to reproduce. Experts conducted an experiment on mice in which scientists have several rodents that lacked the gene derived TORC first It was found that at the age of eight weeks, the animals are quickly began gaining weight, and all mice were not independent of sex to be able to multiply. Scientists believe the problem is that in the absence of the gene TORC1 hunger is in almost all the time, leading obesity. A body is not a signal of willingness to breed what. To impaired fertility

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