Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cosmetics leads to impairment reproductive function

Scientists say if use to women during pregnancy and perfume creams, there is a risk that the birth of the boy to be unsuccessful in the future, reports the BBC. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh said that the period between the eighth and twelfth week of pregnancy critical in shaping the future of reproductive functions. The effects of this period of the chemical elements found in cosmetics can have a negative effect on the secretion of semen in the boy later in life, scientists believe. But Professor Richard Sharpe said it. Not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions Experts conducted an experiment on rats that block the action of androgens - male sex hormones with chemicals. The results showed that when the blocked hormones, the animals have problems with the reproduction. Some of the chemicals that can block the hormones that are widely used in cosmetics, textiles and plastics, experts say. Even after Professor Sharpe, these chemicals on the risk of developing other health problems in the future, such as testicular cancer cause. Expert advises pregnant women to avoid the use of various perfumed cosmetic products, not to endanger the health of the unborn child.

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