Friday, August 30, 2013

Highlights the specific parts of the body can act as painkillers

Scientists have the nerve fibers that are responsible for pleasure when they stroke, reports the BBC to find. Scientists think the nerves. For the joy that we get when we pat or hug The study was presented at the British Association Science Festival. Professor Francis McGlone, a leading neuroscientist at Unilever R & D, said that very little about how we are known to enjoy the contact. Why mother stroked his children, reassuring them that adds to the pleasure of the massage. Scientists conducted an experiment in which participants had used for a mechanism for the use of a brush stroke different areas of the skin with optimal speed. Strokes by the forearm, before legs, face done. Pats genital area not considered in this study. Then the participants will be questioned in detail about feelings. Users electrodes also recorded the signals from the nerve endings to the brain implanted. It turned out that a nice gesture activates a set of nerves as C fibers, sends signals to the brain what. In a secreted hormone responsible for pleasant feelings These same fibers also responsible for the sensation of pain. According to experts, the results of the basis for a new treatment of chronic pain, such as C-fiber stimulation can lead to the replacement of some other sensations. As a result it will be possible to replace the pain pleasurable sensations.

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