Sunday, August 25, 2013

A religious state suicide rates among

The more religious a country is, the lower the suicide cases it has happened. This is the result of experts after analyzing the statistics of 67 states reached. Scientists found the situation in 67 countries, that the least religious countries were Estonia, and the highest number of suicides reported were assessed in Belarus. Experts say the religious country Kuwait has been recognized - every year it comes to 1.95 suicides per 100 thousand people - a record low. In second place Mauritania - it takes 8.15 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. In third place at the level of religiosity were the Philippines, but the suicide rate is much lower than that of Mauritania - 2.10 per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the ranking of religiosity U.S. ranks 25th. Thus the religion of the Mexicans, but in Mexico to 100 thousand people committed suicide four in the U.S. - 11.05. As for Ukraine, in this country is 25.15 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. For the countries of the former Soviet Union, these numbers are as follows: Georgia - 2.25 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants, Moldova - 17.25 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Uzbekistan - 5.55 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Armenia - 1.85 100 thousand inhabitants, Tajikistan - 2.60 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Kyrgyzstan - 9.00 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Kazakhstan - 29.95 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Belarus - 36.80 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Latvia - 25.70, Ukraine - 25.15, Russia - 36.15, Estonia - 21.40 per 100 thousand inhabitants. According to experts. The suicide rate by other factors, such as quality of life and economic situation of the country is affected, which in turn religion plays an important role in people's minds, and for many is a deterrent According to WHO, over the past half century, the number of suicides increased by 60%. In addition, each committed suicide for 20 people who wanted to commit suicide.

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