Sunday, August 18, 2013

Even a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy can be fatal

If you drink a few glasses of wine in a short period in early pregnancy, it can cause malformations of the fetus, said Georgian scientists. Experts have found that alcohol syndrome affects one in every 1,000 newborns. The primary symptoms of the syndrome are the defects of the skull, such as the "palate", "lips" incomplete disclosure of eyes and a short nose. Researchers have tried to find out how much alcohol can be and at what stage of pregnancy can cause these problems. Scientists observed the nerve cells of fetal mice were responsible for the development of the facial skeleton, and the effects of various doses of alcohol. According to the study, increasing the dose of alcohol equivalent to a couple glasses of wine drunk over a short period in the early weeks of pregnancy. The risk of death of these cells, which interferes with the normal development of the fetus We all know that after drinking alcohol noticeable dizziness that passes without a trace after a while. But not everyone knows that when you wear a new life for your unborn child, the few pleasant minutes of light intoxication can lead to permanent changes that will stay with them for life. Experts recommend that all sexually active and pregnant women should not drink alcohol, even red wine. This will help them to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, the scientists said.

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