Friday, August 23, 2013

Russia may restrict the sale of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks

The State Duma adopted a draft federal law "On the limits of retail sale and consumption (drinking) tonic soft drinks", by the Legislature of the Krasnodar region, reports "Interfax". If the law and retail consumption of these drinks in cultural organizations (with the exception of those organizations located in or catering) will be banned, fitness and sports facilities, cultural events with the participation of adolescents and young adults. Definition of places of trade in these drinks will be done by local authorities. Ski in such areas could be particularly relevant. The proposed new law to see authors, is that the tonic beverages (in the vernacular - "energy") and alcoholic beverages especially smaller citizens, consumed as indicated in the notes to the bill "may due to lack of suitable life experience not soft drinks advertising in the media, the outdoor street advertising, and numerous public campaigns perceive. "According to the authors of the bill, caffeine, synthetic and natural biologically active substances from medicinal plants approved or extracts from, the health of children, young people and people with chronic diseases. Using the same "energy", the alcohol, "affects the type of alcohol, reducing its severity, the lack of assessment of the status of their own can lead to help reduce drinking and loss of control and the reuse of alcohol." According to the National Alcohol Association, now the market of energy drinks, Russia 20 million, and the market for soft drinks - 400 million liters per year.

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