Friday, August 9, 2013

Scientists have reproduced the cells that produce insulin

Scientists have managed to transform normal cells into cells that produce insulin in mice that produce reduced the manifestation of the symptoms of diabetes, according to Reuters. Experts call direct reprogramming technique that you do not use stem cells necessary so far. The researchers used three genes in a safe virus, which were introduced into the cells of mice, to convert them into the cells, which produce insulin. Lack of insulin causes diabetes. Scientists conducted an experiment, so far only in mice. Theoretically, the same way the cells in the liver,. Skin or fat cells a person to select the cells to get the insulin, said Dr. Douglas Melton of Harvard Medical School Perhaps it is even easier than ever accepted, the expert said. New cells in mice that produce insulin, were strong and well-functioning, the researchers reported. Previously, scientists must rely on stem cells to organs were damaged accidentally.'s Immune system as a result of diabetes The results of this study show that it has a different way to deal with diabetes, and experts have great hopes that it will be as effective in treating the symptoms of diabetes in humans, as in mice.

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