Monday, August 19, 2013

Chinese elephant cured of heroin addiction

Experts of the Centre succeeded protection of wild animals in the Chinese province of Hainan, to save the elephants from drug addiction. The symptoms of the "breaking" alleviate veterinarians used methadone, Xinhua reported. Elephant was given the nickname of Big Brother (Big Brother) caught smuggling on the border with China and Myanmar in 2005. In order to better control the animal was fed bananas with the addition of heroin. A few months later, the smugglers were arrested and released on an elephant at the Wild Animal Park in Kunming. However, observations of the animals showed that the elephant is suffering from withdrawal symptoms -. "Breaking" heroin for three years, the elephant was treated for drug addiction. The symptoms of the "breaking" of animals injected relieve methadone doses up to five times higher than the "man." Gradually reduced the number of injections of methadone, and their complete withdrawal. Currently animal completely rid addiction addiction and wildlife park in Kunming is back.

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