Thursday, August 29, 2013

In patients with a high risk of hepatitis C increase in blood sugar level

Scientists claim that about two thirds of patients with chronic hepatitis C may be an increased level of sugar in the blood, according to Reuters. Among patients with chronic hepatitis C to underestimate the problem of blood glucose levels, which is often raised, said Dr. Ming-Lung Yu from Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. The study was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The researchers compared the prevalence and characteristics of glucose suffer anomalies of 522 people with chronic hepatitis C, and 447 people are infected with hepatitis C. It was found that in patients with hepatitis C, significantly higher risk of the rise in blood sugar levels in those Comparison who do not suffer from this disease. According to experts, this is a very disturbing discovery, because high levels of glucose can lead to diabetes. To prevent this, patients with chronic hepatitis C, you should begin to regularly the level of glucose in the blood at the time of treatment or make the necessary prevention methods, experts say.

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