Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tea eliminate smelly bacteria

In laboratory studies, led by Dr. Christine Wu of the College of Dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, it was found that three types of "stinking" bacteria in our mouths, no longer under the influence of the polyphenols in tea . developing Polyphenols have properties which block the growth of bacteria. Of course, tea does not eliminate the need to brush your teeth. But when scientists say bacteria. On the back of the tongue and in the gingival pockets, live deep between teeth and gums This does not reach even the most "advanced" toothbrush. Laboratory investigations continue. Dr. Christine Wu gathering volunteers for their experiments. He will have to prove that the effects of tea on human oral bacteria as effectively as in the laboratory. But without waiting for the final conclusion we can say that. Healing and restorative properties of tea and added eliminate another very important characteristic odor in the mouth

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