Thursday, February 28, 2013

Anti-aging cosmetics leads to skin aging

Most of the anti-aging cosmetic products accelerates the aging process, assured Russian scientists from Novosibirsk Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology. Researchers have tested more than 500 anti-aging creams. It was found that the concentration of the active ingredients in them often more than the allowable limit of times. For example, it is proved that the cream with 11% fat and accelerate aging of the skin. Statistical value, the content of these materials in the majority of cosmetic products was about 40%. The same conclusion was reached recently and Canadian scientists. And representatives of the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products, believe the Council of Europe under the euro, that the anti-aging peels make your skin more vulnerable to UV rays. The skin types and recommendations for skin care, you can read more on our website.

Cod liver oil has analgesic properties

Daily consumption of a small amount of cod liver oil may reduce the need for pain relief in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers reported. The use of 10 g cod liver oil reduces the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by 30%, the researchers said. Side effects of NSAIDs were the reason for the search for alternatives. Scientists conducted a study in which participants were given cod liver oil for 9 months, or placebo. The results showed that 39% of patients receiving liver to reduce daily dose of NSAID, compared with 10%, using a placebo. The reduction in the use of NSAIDs not lead to increased pain or disease progression. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh have been three studies which all showed that the use of cod liver oil have kept reducing the use of NSAIDs. Experts suggest that the fatty acids in cod liver oil have anti-inflammatory properties.

Inhalation of dry milk increased the risk of asthma

Prolonged exposure of children dry mixes on the body increases the risk of respiratory disease, scientists say. It is known that the use of powdered milk can cause allergies if the child is intolerant to cow's milk, but the risk of inhalation of milk powder was first investigated. Scientists have the study of 170 workers attended a Thai factory is a food for the children. The factory had high hygiene standards and the concentration of grains of powdered milk is relatively low. Among the workers 130 people - participated in the packing of milk powder, 22 people - added vitamins in milk and 15 - to monitor the quality of products. The scientists compared the health of the workers in this factory 76 health clerks. Experts interviewed and tested the activity of lung function. The results showed that people with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath among factory workers 24% - 33% compared to 12% - 16% of office workers. That made a big difference to even when taking into account the factor of smoking participants adopted. Check-up of the lung function showed that people who doubled with the powder, the risk of asthma. According to researchers, this study raises the risk of accidents asthma and the need for new safety measures in the workplace.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Inhale the tuberculosis vaccine better than to inject

Animal studies have shown that protection against tuberculosis is much more than a simple vaccination in this case. The results of this analysis were published in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences". Aerosol vaccine was developed through the collaboration of scientists from Harvard University and an international non-MEND (Medicine in Need). A new discovery in the future provide the opportunity for a cheap and affordable way to protect against tuberculosis, in which many people today need to create delayed countries. "The increase in the threat of tuberculosis and the emergence of resistant forms of the disease in less developed countries caused the urgent need to develop an effective vaccine," - said Dr. David Edwards (David Edwards), Harvard Medical School. - "While the majority of TB vaccines are available today in the form of injections, the use of syringes that may not sterile, secure our vaccine, provide cost-effective protection against tuberculosis." Scientists have high hopes for a new method of vaccination. Specialists note that TB is now one of the leading causes of death in the population of underdeveloped countries. Reduce development of a new type of vaccine is considerably these figures, experts say.

The mortality rate of boys is significantly higher than for girls

Boys die more often than girls in industrialized countries, U.S. researchers reported. Scientists have. Mortality rates in 15 countries studied (11 European countries, Canada, USA, Japan and Australia) According to statistics, the biggest gap between the amount of boys and girls in 1970, when the boy by a 30% increase in age was reported died of one year. In the last three decades, the gap is reduced slightly. In this decade, the number of boys with a high risk of mortality is 20% more than the girls at the age of one year, said Eileen Crimmins of the University of Southern California. Reduce the risk of mortality among boys was on medical care, such as a caesarean section and intensive care for premature babies, which probably affect the ability of boys to survive, according to the researchers. The results showed that during the last century, the main causes of child mortality, congenital infections and associated complications related to prematurity. Boys are 60% more likely prematurely born which in turn lead to respiratory diseases, the researchers said. According to researchers, the risk of mortality boys alarmingly high today in many developed countries, the doctors need to provide them with proper medical care, if possible, to reduce the difference between the mortality rates of boys and girls.

Creator of LSD discovered psychedelic forum in Basel

102-year-old Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) in 1938, in the opening of the first World Psychedelic Forum Basel. 4-day forum attended by dozens of experts in the field of biochemistry, psychiatry, psychology and sociology, has completed its work on Monday. Most of the participants of the event was devoted to the prospects of the medical use of hallucinogenic drugs. Albert Hofmann (Albert Hofmann) greet the audience at the official opening on Friday 21 March. According to the organizers of the forum, in recent years - the first time in decades - in the world there is an increase in the number of serious research on the therapeutic effects of LSD and other psychoactive substances. In particular, the reported employee of the Harvard University Medical School on successful treatment of certain types of migraine LSD and psilocybin, and in Switzerland by the same substances are trying to ease the mental state of patients with late-stage cancer. In addition, closed the University of South Carolina clinical testing methods of treating post-traumatic stress disorder, ecstasy, and the results of several small studies suggest that ketamine-causing hallucinations powerful anesthetic - can be effective in the treatment of major depression. (Born in 1906) Albert Hofmann first synthesized LSD in 1938.

Intense physical aging lead

Spanish scientists Saez-Tormo believes that intensive sports accelerate the aging process of the human body. He cites as evidence his calculations. The existence of a large difference between the effect of moderate, regular, frequent and intense exercise This expert was involved in passing in Valencia seminars organized by local fund cutting-edge research. After Saez-Tormo, there is reason to believe that an elite athlete, there are many health problems that result in poor physical condition, and often to the exclusion of athletes from the competition. Scientists believe that if a person inhale high physical activity, he is forced to use a lot of oxygen. This oxidation is essentially an "aging cells." You can not live without oxygen. However, in excessive amounts, it provokes "oxidative stress", raises many diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer, said Saez-Tormo. Expert presented a tendency to overuse of artificial antioxidants and expressed concern about the use of the world of sports various steroids and other means of building muscle. Unnatural proteins disrupt the normal function of cells and impair the metabolism, a scientist has warned. Eat Mediterranean food - in his view, the best way of maintaining good health and youth. They are rich in natural antioxidants that are found in fruits and vegetables.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

24th March - World TB Day

World TB Day is the decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the day when the German microbiologist Robert Koch celebrated his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis known. In 1993, the World Health Organization declared TB a national emergency, and on 24 March "World TB Day". In 1993, WHO officially recommended DOTS strategy as a new strategy for the control of tuberculosis. The basic principles of DOTS are: political commitment, diagnosis by microscopy, reliable supply of medicines, monitoring of treatment, periodic evaluation. DOTS - a strategy against the tuberculosis epidemic, as it allows you to identify, and to heal the sick, the most dangerous for the environment. Can be 92 to 95% of TB cases heal. Implementation of the DOTS - the rescue of many people from death, disease and suffering. Universal principles of the DOTS strategy for each country. Currently, this strategy is successfully implemented in more than 180 countries. Currently in Ukraine is very difficult situation in terms of tuberculosis. For example, in the Donetsk region every 8 hours a person dies of TB. Furthermore, it was found that every 2.5 hours recorded in a new patient every 15 minutes with tubercle bacilli infected child. In the area of population 11,004 patients with active TB. According to doctors, in 2007, the region was 4012 new cases in the civilian sector and discovered 313 - died in prison in 1363, of whom 80% - people of working age.

Hyperactive little girls more likely to have problems later in life

Hyperactive girls are more serious problems later in life than their calmer counterparts, researchers say. Sociologists conducted a study, interviews 800 girls, aged 21 years. It was found that hyperactive girls in adulthood often with the problem of low-wage labor becperspektivnoy faced abusive behavior towards me and teenage pregnancy. The study was published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry. In the study, the researchers evaluated the behavior of girls every year between the ages of 6 and 12 years. They saw the level of activity and the level of aggression. In 10% of the girls had a high activity seen in the behavior and 10% were high and activity and aggression. According to scientists, the girls with the highest levels of aggression and hyperactivity, probably twice so to engage in smoking and take aggressive confrontation, and four times as often poorly taught in school.

Record experienced help cancer patients to the manner of the disease

Cancer patients take their deepest fears about the disease will help to improve their condition, according to U.S. scientists. Clinician Nancy Morgan asked to record their experiences of patients Cancer Center in Washington. Half of those who took part in the event, said that it changed the view of the disease. The most useful is for young people and people who may have been recently diagnosed, scientists say. Dr. Morgan explained the problems in the letter of leukemias and lymphomas such as cancer has changed the lives of patients, and how they felt these changes. A few weeks later, the experts surveyed the participants of the experiment. It turned out that after a letter to the sensations in 49% changed their attitude towards the disease, and 38% had changed the whole attitude of the situation. Some patients have also written a letter containing only the facts about the disease. This letter gives no positive results. According to Dr. Morgan, the possibility of writing to express the thoughts, feelings and emotions with the treatment of cancer related key elements that have a positive effect on the patient and give him the opportunity to revise their attitude towards the disease and the general situation.

The Czech Republic is expected invasion of tick-borne encephalitis

The Czech doctors predict a sharp increase in the number of ticks. Each year more people are killed or maimed by the diseases that carry these insects. The spread of the parasite with global warming, the associated intensified, scientists say. The upward trend in the population of parasites seen in the country in recent years. In the past two years in some Czech regions, including Prague literally turned invasion of parasites. Doctors believe that tens of thousands of Czech citizens and visitors are infected or suffered severe illnesses that were received by the bite of ticks. Only within the last year were infected with tick-borne encephalitis 546th Due to this development by, insurance in the Czech Republic a little more expensive. Be diagnosed for a successful treatment of the disease at an early stage of development. It is necessary, of potent antibiotics. Encephalitis often leads to nerve damage and paralysis of the upper extremities. The disease can be in the form of ordinary flu, but after two or three weeks, there is a high fever and severe headache. According to doctors, the only effective preventive measure vaccination against ticks.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cloning will help in Parkinson's disease

Therapeutic cloning has been successfully used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in mice, reported U.S. researchers. The results showed that to date this is the best proof that this controversial technique could one day help treat people with Parkinson's disease. According to scientists, this is the first time that the animal organism responds successfully their own cloned cells. During Parkinson neurons disturbed brain responsible for the movement of the muscles. These cells produce dopamine, an important substance that promotes announced a coordinated function of muscles and movement. In therapeutic cloning, the scientists injected a cell nucleus into an egg with a remote kernel. The cells will develop as embryos, may be extracted from which stem cells and used in the treatment. In this experiment, the cells were transformed into dopamine-producing neurons in the missing cells in Parkinson's disease. The mice that received neurons own cloned cells, it was observed significant reduction of symptoms. But when the mice, the neurons that are not genetically identical cells were transplanted, the cells did not survive, and the mouse is not restored. According to researchers, the treatment is to be effective, as originally cloned animal gets its own cells and immune system occurs rejection.

10 rules for a long life

Our compatriots - somewhere in the middle. Meanwhile, after having carefully studied the experience of long-life experts have to follow 10 rules developed that prolong their earthly existence. First Rule: do not overeat. If you do not do heavy physical work, you would enough in 2000 calories per day. To arrange unloading their cells and support their activities. Second Rule: The menu should reflect your age. The 30-year-old woman first wrinkles appear later if they regularly eat nuts from time to time - the liver. People who are older than 40 years of useful beta-carotene, the orange in a lot of carrots and other fruits and vegetables, yellow and red. After 50 years in the form of calcium and magnesium keeps bones - the heart. Men over 40 should contain selenium in the cheese and kidneys: This mineral helps to reduce stress. After 50 to eat fish, protects the stronger sex is the heart and blood vessels. Third rule: Take the time to retire. Who does not work, looks like an average 5 years older than his age, the researchers found. In fact, some professions, according to sociologists, preserves youth. For example, in centenarians most conductors, philosophers, artists and priests. 4th Rule: SEX - elixir of youth. During sexual intercourse, the body produces endorphins - the so-called endorphins. They help to strengthen the immune system. A man who twice during the week sex looks 14 years younger than their peers. 5th Rule: not to faint under any circumstances.

Owners of cats are three times less likely to suffer from heart disease,

According to doctors at the University of Minnesota, is the owner of the cat three times less prone to heart attacks and strokes, reports USA Today. Scientists have found that the owners of the cats for 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, found. The study involved 4,500 people aged 30 to 75 years. Experts warn that in this case shows a calming effect on people cats. However, this does not mean that they play a crucial role in preventing heart attacks. Scientists assume that the people who love cats are calmer and less prone to heart disease. Dog lovers and do not worry - a review of the American Heart Association showed that a daily 12-minute walk to the "man's best friend" improves heart function in patients with cardiovascular disease. Cardiologists assume that positive emotions, including communicating with animals, good for you because it. A calming effect in the spiritual and mental stress

Stress increases the life expectancy of women and men cut

Experiences of excess men die earlier, and the women. Before the extension of his life, according to U.S. scientists Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University have analyzed the medical history, thousands of men and women over 15 years. They found that, paradoxically, emotional disorders have different effects. On the lives of women and early death among men As the researchers noted, the life expectancy for women in this growing and men - shrinking. Doctors can not understand exactly why this happens, but they admit that the increased anxiety often forces women to undergo a medical examination and carefully monitor their health. Experts are not sure of the exact relationship between emotional stress and mortality, but the results showed that in this respect it may well be differences between the sexes.

What are the similarities between pain and memory problems?

Recently showed a group of scientists from Brown University (Brown University) that these receptors play an important role in the workings of memory and the human capacity to learn. The results of the analysis, which is very surprised experts, were published in the latest issue of the journal Neuron. The head of the research project by Dr. Julie Kaur (Julie Kauer). Scientists have shown that the activation of the receptor leads to TPRV1 prolonged depression. This phenomenon leads to a permanent change in the compounds, which occur between the neurons in the brain. The above-described changes in the brain, according to experts, are the cellular basis of memory formation. "We have long known that affect TPRV1 receptors in the brain and some of the processes associated with their function," - says Dr. Kauer. -. "However, the first opportunity to determine what the actual function of these receptors' has experts say the relationship between the activation of the receptor TPRV1 and cellular mechanisms of memory impairment was first opened. According to scientists of the study data will contribute to a new type of drug for the treatment of diseases that lead to develop memory problems. Also, scientists hope to a method for the treatment of neurological disorders such as epilepsy develop.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Parents should addiction to alcohol in children at school

According to experts, the parents, the risk that their children drink alcohol at a college or institute. But pay attention to this should start at school. Scientists conducted a survey of students in the summer before entering college. According to Dr. Amelia Arria (Amelia M. Arria) of the University of Maryland (University of Maryland), all parents of children who participated in the research project, in order to educate them about harm of alcohol. The results showed that the tendency of the child to use alcohol at school completely determines the probability that it starts to consume alcohol at the institute or university. Scientists have found that children who were not using alcohol at school had, they can begin the most minimal amounts in the first year to use at college. Compared to them, the young people who are in high school, "amused" by alcohol, do not give up alcohol, go to college.

Newborns in the hospital were given expired medicines

Expired in Mykolaiv region in the maternity ward Berezan central hospital newborns were psychotropic drugs, according This fact was discovered by the regional management specialists Nicholas illegal distribution of drugs to combat. They found that the hospital staff slept without the knowledge of the parents of a child with glucose, the phenobarbital for children. Although it is a psychotropic substance, so that they, the children are given in very small doses. But there is one "but" - the doctors have expired medications. During the investigation it was found that the drug expired fitness hospital nurses gave a newborn in the period April to June 2007. Currently, prosecutors Mykolaiv region about the incident a criminal investigation. Examined. While under suspicion in the implementation of these measures were a few people from the medical staff.

HIV infection can be reduced

People with genetic changes that can delay the progression to AIDS may also cause mutations of the HIV virus, so there. "Weak", even if the transmission to other people, they say The human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, and attack cells of the immune system may not even be active, it needs to grab the cage and into a virus factory it. HIV needs to get a few genes to make it, including the HLA genes. Some people have genes HLA, which are known to prevent the development of HIV, while mutations damaging increase the ability of the virus. Turn the weaker virus, the slower progress of the disease in humans. Scientists believe that this transmission of the virus behave exactly the same, even if the person. Not over protective HLA genes According to scientists, yet the exact cause of the process of mutation have been found, but the results of this research will help in the search for an effective vaccine against the AIDS virus. AIDS virus infects about 33 million people around the world. He already has. The lives of 25 million people the way they are today, there is no effective treatment and vaccines

Latinos have European roots

The genetic study of Latin America found that the majority of Hispanics of European men and Native American or African descended women. The scientists conducted a survey of 300 people in the seven Latin American countries, from Mexico to Chile. All of them have a genetic analysis. Genetic analysis of blood samples possible, the origin of Hispanics about 13 generations back to the time of the conquistadors. The study was published in the online version of the journal PLoS Genetics. The study was conducted jointly by the University of Latin America, the U.S. and Europe. The analysis showed that Hispanics are roots of European men and Native American or African women more. This confirms the fact that the European colonists killed local men and engaged in sexual intercourse with native women or African slaves. According to Professor Andres Ruiz-Linares from the University of London, despite many attempts to eradicate the Americans of Latin American history, a new study has shown that it is. Continuous genetic relationship between the periods before and after the discovery of America by Columbus

Saturday, February 23, 2013

In India, every fifth student smokes

According to the WHO, one in five students in India are suffering from tobacco, reports the BBC. Experts conducted a survey in 140 countries on tobacco dependence. India is the leader among them, the results of the survey turned out to be quite alarming for the country. It was found that around 17% of pupils at the age of 15 years with tobacco products, most of them prefer cigarettes. Throughout the territory of India, there was no significant difference between smokers by gender. The exception is the central India, where a higher percentage of smokers are girls, which is a serious cause for concern. Strong concern for the organizers survey was the fact that one third of the school staff, including faculty, -. Smoke They should be encouraged to have an impact on the prevention of tobacco dependence and not by example, according to sociologists. Despite the statewide smoking ban, have not diminished the sale of tobacco products to minors in the last three years. But it is reassuring news. The ban on smoking in public places has reduced the percentage exposed to passive smoking 49 to 40. The number of children who smoke their first cigarette before age 10 years, from 49% to 37%. The organizers of the respondents believe that the government of India are seeking new ways to reduce the impact of smoking, some of which may be the reduction of tobacco advertising and conducting classes on the harmful effects of tobacco on the body in the schools and educational institutions.

Tea is good for women

According to the researchers, it is enough just three cups of tea per day, from a visit to carotid plaque that keep often the cause of thrombosis and eventually clogging the vessel. Only a third of women. Regularly baluyuschih even tea, doctors found sclerotic changes in the arteries But prefer among those tea, other beverages, deposits of cholesterol in half. Moreover, according to the study, tea also protects against high blood pressure, including the elderly, although it is still used to the view that leads to the abuse of this drink, but it provides to high blood pressure. It is noteworthy that in the case of the men revealed laws do not work, and the cause of the strange indifference of the male body, the healing properties of tea have not been established. However, researchers have suggested that contain a substance in tea interact specifically with estrogen - by the female sex hormones, which some experts, healthier cardiovascular system. The representative of the tea industry consulting Dr Catherine Hood, comments on the results of the study, said that it carried out the staff of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research does not take into account the variety of factors that increase the risk of heart disease. Way of life, the degree of mobility of people influence bad habits, diet and the use of hormones of the state of the vessels is not less than one daily serving.

Scientists have found a possible cause of breast cancer

Excessive exposure to light affects the charge of the production of cancer cells hormones. Women living in areas with intense lighting at night, often develop cancer than women towns ill-lit, say Israeli researchers. Scientists have always known that excessive lighting has a negative effect on the rats. But recent polls flight attendants, nurses and other specialties of women who work at night, everyone amazed. These women suffer from breast cancer by 60% more than women who work during the day. Were considering such factors influence the occurrence of cancer, such as diet and metabolism added. For scientists still unknown fact as related cancer cells and lighting at night. Experts suggest that the fall in melatonin -. A hormone that prevents the development of cancer Most melatonin is released at night. Lots of light inhibits its formation. So if the mice injected into the brightly lit lab hormone to normalize the level of cancer cells. Abraham Haim, a professor at the University of Haifa calls to stop using energy saving bulbs because these bulbs slow melatonin production to a greater extent than usual. In his view, it is unknown what impact on our night lighting in 20 years, since the lights -. It is bright and beautiful, but not always safe

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Italian Mozzarella dioxin found

Police closed 25 factories for the production of mozzarella in Italy, according to ITAR-TASS. Also, another 80 plants are tested for the presence of dioxin in their products. The fact that the product. Closed dairies dioxin, which was found by a multiple higher than the legal rate These products are sold in stores all over Italy, and some for export. Seized a large shipment of 80 producers of mozzarella last week, which caused their protest. According to experts, shows the presence of dioxin in milk and raw buffalo poor environmental conditions in the region of Campania, the. Still an acute problem of waste and recycling The area burned each year millions of tons of waste from the combustion are emitted into the atmosphere. Of hazardous substances and appears dioxin, which is deposited on pastures and in the diet of cattle.

The older the blood can be used during surgery, the higher the risk of death

People who get stale blood during surgery, the risk of death increases by 30%, U.S. researchers reported. According to researchers, the risk of death increased by 30% if a person receives blood that has been stored for more than two weeks. This leads to a dilemma, because the blood banks and hospitals have not capable of the necessary amount of fresh blood. By the U.S. FDA Food and Drug Administration so far may be suitable blood for six weeks. Also, blood banks often produce blood that they are the longest. Scientists have the study, which was attended by about 6,000 patients who had undergone heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Koch and his colleagues compared the results of the patient's health status after a certain period of time, focusing on the type of blood was given to each of them during the operation. It was found that the threshold of mortality, 1.7% of patients who received surgery during the fresh blood as with 2.8% among those who got stale blood reaches comparison. However, according to scientists, it is very difficult to perform the task, so that the blood can not be older than 2 weeks, as blood banks offer constantly get rid of the new blood, and 2 weeks until it is quite an easy task. Researchers believe that early period significantly reduced the use of blood, but while it is not clear how it all into practice.

Folic acid lowers the level of aneuploidy

Foods rich in folic acid protects men from the development of low-quality sperm and children with genetic defects conception, scientists say. Scientists have discovered that the performance with the addition of folic acid (vitamin B9) can reduce sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes. B9 helps protect against birth defects. The study was published in the journal Human Reproduction. The researchers found that 4% of healthy male sperm contains insufficient or excessive amount of chromosomes. This phenomenon is called aneuploidy. Aneuploidy leads to the impossibility of the concept, and can also cause sundroma Down, Turner or Klinefelter child. However, the reason for the change is the composition of sperm is not known exactly. A team of researchers studied 89 healthy non-smoking men. Researchers have found that the diet of the participants and how much zinc, folate, vitamin C, E and beta-carotene consume she thought. The results showed that the use of folic acid, the level of aneuploidy, which reduce the chance of a successful conception and healthy offspring increases.

Vegetarian diet protects against heart attack people with rheumatoid arthritis

Vegan diet, consisting of nuts, sunflower seeds, fruit and vegetables protects against heart attacks and strokes people with rheumatoid arthritis, according to Swedish researchers. Such a diet reduces cholesterol and improves the immune system, relieves the symptoms of certain diseases. Scientists have suggested that nutrition is a key role in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis to play more prone to heart attacks, strokes and impaired blood flow in the arteries. About 20 million people worldwide are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. One of the major manifestations of rheumatic fever, and one of the main criteria of the disease is arthritis. Small joints of the hands and feet - is on the acute and sub-acute inflammation of the membranes of the joints (synovitis), which is characterized by multiple lesions of the large joints (hip, knee, ankle, elbow) and much less. The main symptoms of arthritis: pain, swelling and deformation, limiting the mobility of the joints due to pain, increased skin temperature over the joint, sometimes redness of the skin over the affected joint. Swedish researchers conducted a study in which 38 subjects on a strict vegetarian diet and 28 on the non-strict balanced diet will be all year Sat As a result, the people who were sitting on a strict vegetarian diet, reduce the bad cholesterol that clogged arteries, and they lost weight. The second group of participants observed changes.

American surgeons removed a healthy kidney from a patient with cancer

Patient is suffering from kidney cancer, erroneously removed the healthy body. The incident took place in the Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park (Minnesota) last week reported UPI. Errors on the day after the operation from the pathologist who found no signs of cancer in the study of kidney removal, found, said the owner of the hospital, Samuel Carlson (Samuel Carlson). After Carlson, the hospital is fully recognizes its responsibilities for making a "tragic medical error." The investigation revealed that an error occurred during the week of the operation. In the patient's file was incorrectly named as a party that housed his kidney cancer. The investigation into the incident continues, and the surgeon who performed the operation, voluntarily. Returned from work to completion Representatives of the hospital apologized to the patient and family and promised them full support. The victim, whose name and gender is unknown, agreed to continue the post-operative rehabilitation in Methodist Hospital. It is unclear whether he appoint the conservative treatment of cancer, or hold the removal of the affected kidney, by the appointment of dialysis ("artificial kidney") or an organ transplant followed. Carlson noted that earlier in the Methodist Hospital was not as serious bugs with the events from the wrong angle assigned. Two registered since October 2006, the case of the behavior of the diagnosis was available lung and bronchus with the wrong side. Monday at the hospital was a mandatory procedure for the confirmation of the intervention immediately before the operation, said Carlson.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Developed a reliable method for the determination of fetal rhesus

When it was the Swiss Medical Association, in early 2008, published the results of research, University Hospital (Basel, Switzerland) with 255 participants. The study found that the accuracy of a new non-invasive method for determining the rhesus, the work was carried out 15 years 99.6% after MediSwiss.Ru is why this method of determining fetal Rh factor British National Blood Service was introduced (British National Blood Service) as a standard of medical facilities. Because of the risk of abortion,% now 0.5 to 1, many women refuse invasive procedure. According to current estimates, the additional 45 embryos per 100 000 patients undergoing amniocentesis (amniotic fluid) or horionbiopsii (study of cells that form the placenta), the decision on abortion. To develop this reason, various research groups around the world secure and reliable methods for the diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy and other serious anomalies, and the mother - such as pre-eclampsia and rhesus incompatibility. For this is the main receiving fetal tissue from the mother's blood or by the accumulation of cells or cell-free fetal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The most famous example is the prenatal determination of fetal Rh status. Approximately 15% of Caucasian women during pregnancy risk of severe fetal anemia, often exposed - because of Rh incompatibility.

Ukraine was the first on the content of the carcinogens in the air in the CIS

The problem of carcinogens in the human body is very timely, scientists say. According to WHO, 70 to 80% of the tumors occur under the influence of negative factors (chemical, physical, and even some biological). Known 60 thousand chemical compounds, contact with those. Carcinogenicity only three thousand of such compounds, and proved that a third of them, and is so. Ukraine in this respect, "most" of the CIS countries. Plenty of seating in the Ukrainian companies are among carcinogen-insecure (oil and gas, metallurgy, koksopererabatyvayuschie plants, thermal energy, chemical industry, etc.) and the density of these companies on the territory of Ukraine is invalid (especially in certain regions in the east the country). correct the list of dioxin and asbestos would add. Dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fact, the product of the thermal processing of organic raw materials or products formation at high temperatures. And asbestos falls into the "black" list of prevalence of use, and it is full with the construction of country houses and aqueducts. To investigate the problem of asbestos viewed as private, as Ukraine has signed a charter, the use in the construction and building ban. But this perverse comfort. The fact that the materials containing asbestos are dangerous time when they begin to age, break and turn into waste, disposal methods, which does not yet exist.

Scientists have found harmful bacteria in Hairspray

Japanese scientists from the International Journal of Evolutionary Microbiology Systematicand discovered a new type of bacteria that may be present in Hairspray. Scientists have discovered a bacteria hatanonis that contaminate hairspray, and its growth can not be stopped once processing is cosmetic. Bacterium was named in honor of Dr Kazunori Hatano, who has long studied the effects of such microorganisms. Oxydans bacteria that were previously identified in milk, cheese, beef, eggs and even in the blood of patients with leukemia - also by scientists in the paint types of bacteria have been found. In the analysis of the genome of a new organism experts hope in the future to determine the severity of the bacteria on the human body, since it has been established that the infection can hatanonis cause adverse health effects.

The less you sleep, the more likely to develop sleepwalking

Insomnia increases the likelihood of sleepwalking, according to Canadian researchers. A team of scientists from the University of Montreal saw 40 people with suspected sleepwalking, during normal sleep and after a long period of calm insomnia. Patients were followed at night in the lab. Participants do not sleep for 25 hours, then study their behavior during sleep. The study found that the number of cases of sleep disorders including sleep walking, sharp increases in the recovery phase of insomnia. Sleepwalking that. With aggressive behavior, in 4% of people who were connected observed in the experiment So far the researchers have been able to find the relationship between insomnia and sleep walking, but no clear explanation of the results. Scientists believe that the results of this study showed that sleep deprivation increases the proportion of people who are. Among sleepwalking Typically manifests sleepwalking into a deep sleep. The researchers note that the lack of sleep to problems in the transitions between the phases of sleep leads.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sat on the Internet? It's time you to a psychiatrist

Dr. Block has defined Internet addiction as an "overreliance computer games, Internet pornography and e-mail." (As in the case of other addictions, computer users can be overwhelming and obsessive desire to connect to the Internet feel manifests a withdrawal (brittle), tolerance, a desire that new and better equipment and software purchase for personal and business use for B. different vocabularies 1c and purchase various specialized databases, etc.), even if the need is apparent, as well as spend more hours online. After blocking, the Internet-dependent people lose all sense of time and ignore the physical needs, refusing to eat or sleep. "Disease" is often accompanied by a relapse, and in some cases requires the use of psychoactive medications or hospitalization. Meanwhile, experts say that the line between normality and pathology at the computer users are very unstable and diagnosis of the disease can be difficult. Internet addicts suffer probably five to ten percent of people who mostly well-educated men are introverts and middle-aged housewife.

Stress of the parents leads to lower immunity in children

Help parents to reduce with regular high emotional stress immunity and the development of diseases of their children, the researchers said. Scientists at the University of Rochester reported that disease incidence was higher in children whose parents were anxious and depressed. In addition, scientists are able to find the relationship between the parents and the strength of the immune system in children. British scientists found that children to impress very easily and are very worried about the parents at the time of loading. It was found that the stress of parents, changes in the immune system of the child and lead to dependence on various diseases and infections. This is the first study, published in the journal Brain, addressed the parents' relationship and stress the immune system of children. Scientists conducted an experiment, which was attended by 169 children with their parents. The experiment lasted 3 years. Parents are required to document cases of diseases of children to a six-month psychiatric evaluation. The researchers found that the level of the total number of cases was significantly higher than in children whose parents had often been in a state of emotional stress. According to scientists study showed the exact relationship between the presence of children and the emotional state of the parents. Why experts recommend that parents try to be quieter, and that benefit their health and the health of children.

Scientists explain the protective effect of thalassemia

U.S. researchers in a new way to tell infected by the relative low mortality in thalassemia patients with malaria. According to them, of the serious complications of the tropical disease thalassemia protects the increased number of red blood cells. Thalassemia - an inherited disease caused by disruption of the structure of the protein globin. This defect results in a reduction in the size of red blood cells - red blood cells, and the reduction of their ability to transport oxygen. At the same time it is known that people with thalassemia tropical malaria wear better than healthy people. The causes of this phenomenon for a long time remained unknown. According to a variant, due to a genetic disorder of red cells forming in any way the growth of the malaria parasite in preventing them. However, the conclusions of the medical school staff to refute, New York University, this hypothesis. At the disposal of the American scientists were data from a study conducted in the mid-90s of last century in Papua New Guinea. Alpha-thalassemia was found in about 60% of the children in the study. As expected, cases of severe anemia associated with bouts of malaria, they observed much less frequently than in healthy participants. After studying blood samples from 800 children, researchers found that the presence or absence of a genetic disease does not affect the number of cells of the parasites in the blood -. It was about the same in both healthy and suffering from thalassemia participants

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chernihiv in the battle began with computer addiction in adolescents

In Chernihiv by the City Council passed a resolution "measures to prevent the formation and development of games, games and internet addiction among minors." According to an UNIAN correspondent, this solution provides access control for minors (they can use the computer only with the semester ticket and logging companies). It will also discriminate children remain in the computer club to two hours a day and banned visits to such institutions minors 21.00 in winter and 22.00 in summer. According to Mayor Aleksandr Sokolov, concerns the problem of computer addiction the interests of not only the parents, families and society. Mayor appointed a special commission in two weeks to check the activities of computer clubs regarding compliance health requirements, compliance with the applicable rules of stay in such places minors.

Sleep disorders are very dangerous for the health of women

Regular sleep deprivation worse impact on women's health than men's health, said the American doctors. Scientists from Duke University (USA) found that. Anxious and for a short time is a dream for women, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems and determine the risk of diabetes type Doctors performed an experiment that was attended by 210 healthy men and women of middle age. Were taken into account routine and well-being of participants. Blood samples were collected from participants in a scientific experiment to test the level of biomarkers, including insulin, glucose, blood clotting protein fibrinogen. The experiment showed that difficulty in falling asleep for more than half an hour, frequent awakenings during the night, and at least seven hours of sleep per night had a severe impact on a woman's body. Poor sleep is disturbed women inflammation, increased insulin heart rhythm, but also activates signs of depression and hostility.

Scientists have been studying the effects of cannabis on bone

Scientists from Edinburgh invited, with 200 people who smoke cannabis experiment to study the effect of this substance on human bones, reports the BBC. This study, the scientists have to create a new drug for the treatment of bone diseases - osteoporosis. Cannabinoid substance produced naturally in the body, can also be achieved by smoking cannabis. While scientists do not exactly know if this thought osteoporosis drug or vice versa protects. Scientists with the participants in the experiment examines the positive and negative side effects of cannabis on bone disease. According to Professor Stuart Ralston, hashish - one of the most popular drugs among young people of Britain, but almost nothing about the impact that it is known in the density and bone health. Previous studies, scientists have shown that cannabinoid receptors. A critical role in the bone, the play is too thin after the menopause Now they have found that the receptors involved in the formation of new bone. This is an important step in the creation of a new drug that helps the treatment of osteoporosis in the cannabinoid receptor. According to Professor Ralston, this is a very important discovery, because it can prevent a new treatment for osteoporosis with cannabinoid receptors and the bone loss associated to enhance bone formation get.

Can cocaine heart attack symptoms

Young people who reported to the hospital with symptoms of a heart attack, how she took cocaine or not, as a matter of life and death, say U.S. scientists. According to doctors, the problem is that the symptoms of a heart attack and the effects of cocaine can be very similar in adolescents: chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea. Therefore, without knowing the exact cause of this disease, the treatment can only be applied damage. Two trials, the false heart attack after taking cocaine treatment can lead to death, because the effect of cocaine and many medications for heart attack, are not compatible. The problem is getting wider, take as teenagers, drugs, growing every year in the world. According to doctors, the information on the admission of illegal drugs (cocaine) are protected in the hospital because young people are afraid of the message to law enforcement authorities. In the game of their lives, so that this information is very important.

Addicts treated with monoclonal antibodies

U.S. researchers have technology for the production of antibodies that selectively patented to amphetamine derivatives. Scientists say they have created the compounds to be effective in the prevention and treatment of drug dependence. In recent years, amphetamine and its derivatives - are the number one problem of the U.S. drug treatment - methamphetamine and ecstasy. Abuse of these drugs leads to serious disorders of the central nervous system and cardiovascular diseases. Effective treatments for amphetamine addiction at present. The staff of the Center for Drug and Alcohol, University of Arkansas for various types of monoclonal antibodies that selectively synthesized to bind to molecules of amphetamine, methamphetamine and ecstasy, have to contribute to their rapid clearance of experiments addicted mice and rats showed that injection of monoclonal antibodies, the concentration of the active substance in the blood of substances obtained rodents at a minimum. In addition, patients had to receive the experimental treatment of animals there a decrease drug use, despite the presence of a permanent access. When they realize they have created antibodies. Hardly interact with isomers of amphetamine, which are used in some public drug This denies receiving "anti-drug vaccine" addicts to override their actions with the available drugs.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Obesity contributes to the development of more aggressive forms of breast cancer

Obese patients with breast cancer, the disease is aggressive and they die earlier than patients with normal weight, U.S. researchers reported. A dangerous type of breast cancer, such as inflammatory breast cancer is known, was found in 45% of patients suffering from obesity, compared with 30% of women are overweight and. 15% of women with normal weight According to Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli the University of Texas, the greater the weight loss, the patient, the more aggressive the disease. Fat increased inflammation caused an aggressive disease state. The study was published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research. The researchers conducted the study, which was attended by 606 women with breast cancer. By linking the disease with body mass index, the researchers found that after 5 years in women with overweight 56.8% survived overweight - 56.3% and normal weight - 67.4%. According to scientists, obesity increases the risk of diseases such as leukemia, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, and it turned out, this list could be breast cancer.

Scientists have found a new treatment for alcoholism

Alcoholism treatment soon reach a new level of performance. Doctors can with alcohol dependence in patients with manipulation of the molecular mechanisms in the brain that are associated with the foundation of irritability alcohol deal. According to scientists from the University of Illinois and Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, the relationship between increased irritability and a tendency to alcohol - an important factor in the development and maintenance of alcohol dependence. This position will be the basis for the development of a new method for the treatment of alcoholism, experts say. Previous studies have pointed to the fact that people with irritability, are at risk for alcohol dependence. On the other hand, alcohol is always accompanied by the absence of a constant state of peace and irritation in patients. According to Dr. Pandey, a person who is suffering from alcohol addiction, alcohol consumption to help as a kind of medicine to fight him to the state of irritation. Based on this determination, the scientists discovered the molecular basis of the relationship between alcoholism and prone to frequent irritability. In the future, this discovery will contribute to a radically new approach for the treatment of alcoholism, based on the development of the treatment of non forms and causes of the disease, the scientists said.

Coffee reduces work the ability to work

The only exception is mathematics. According to the study, coffee increases the cognitive abilities of those who are involved in the equations and algorithms. "Our results - emphasizes Sainclair Lindsay, one of two psychologists who have studied the effects of coffee - indicates that the consumption of coffee during the day can be counterproductive for men, especially for those that personal problems have This When. the traditional time off can turn into a boomerang, the already existing stress. "Sainclair said that it has, together with his colleague Peter Rogers pushed for such a study on the history of the people who went to the joint mission. The team of "white collar" work with the ability to host the office free of charge and without restriction, to drink coffee, less coordinated. On the video, the camera of covert surveillance, this group appeared as a group of non-composite and fighting people. Sainclair Rogers and motivated to find this behavior ran a test with 32 volunteers. In this case, the video was made by her behavior. In the study, the subjects were told that they drink three different types of coffee: caffeine, tonic and aggravating feeling stress. In fact, there are only two types of coffee: regular and decaf, but the participants in the experiment did not. Psychologists have found that only those who regularly drank coffee, it is difficult to work with colleagues.

In China, more bird flu outbreak

Chinese authorities have confirmed that bird flu was the cause of death of chickens in poultry markets in Guangzhou in southern China, according to Yahoo! The Ministry of Agriculture of China, the government reported that the bird tested for the H5N1 virus, noting that this is the fifth country where poultry outbreak birds this year. Also, the Ministry of Agriculture that the outbreak of bird flu 114 birds and 518 had to be burned to death. Outbreak were included. In China, the largest volume of poultry in the world. The Chinese authorities have promised tough to fight the H5N1 virus, which has killed 235 people worldwide, according to WHO. Scientists fear the virus could mutate and easily from person to person, which can lead to the death of millions of people. To date, all cases are of human infection of birds. This year, the three deaths from bird flu in China.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scientists closer to a drug to prevent loss of vision

Scientists closer to a treatment for the two most common causes of vision loss after a successful experiment in mice, say U.S. researchers. Activation of certain proteins in the eyes, preventing damage to the blood vessels that can lead to blindness. The study deals with macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy - two of the main diseases associated with blood vessel problems. Most of these diseases, the people in later life. Researchers have identified a protein Robo4, which, as it turned out played an important role in the formation of strong, working blood vessels. Scientists injected proteins in mice to study the effects of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Scientists have found that damage to the blood vessels have been prevented, and in some cases was a complete regression of the disease. According to the scientists do not yet know whether the human body react to the protein, and what side effects they may have, but in any case this is a great opening and a step towards the creation of drugs to treat and prevent the causes of loss of vision.

Jealousy performance depends on growth

Jealous lover, maybe it's to go for shoes with a thick platform, the researchers found a relationship jealousy and growth. Researchers from the Universities of Groningen and Valencia argue that polls in the Netherlands and Spain, 549 men and women had for the classification power of jealousy to experience so, to identify which characteristics of an opponent or rival in love cause maximum irritation. The study was published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. The survey found that men are more visually appealing, rich and physically stronger opponents fear most. But the feature has been seen - the higher men, the quieter it refers to competitors. Women. On the other hand, are most jealous of the beautiful and charming women, but also women of average height jealous of moderate intensity According to the researchers, this is easily explained in terms of evolution, according to previous studies in women are a successful men, but also women of average height is not only the most handsome man but also the most healthy and fertile. The researchers concluded that available under certain circumstances a woman of average height, in contrast to the men, nor jealousy. In the face of competitors who felt to exceed their influence in society or the physical strength, women average height petite more jealousy than women or large. According to scientists, the reason could be that big and strong women or women of high social status can be very dangerous for women of average size, such as in battle, including the open fight, they probably take precedence.

80-year-old woman became pregnant by accident ...!

According to the local press, from the village of Bibi Kurshid Chichavatni found themselves in an interesting position, after it began to interfere with abdominal pain. The medical examination revealed that, to the surprise of his wife and doctors to get pregnant. According to doctors, the old lady was much about his situation. She was terribly embarrassed and nervous, not knowing how to tell their grandchildren, many of them old enough to be his children. Kurshid Bibi Ahmed Dean married in 1950, and since then they have only one child was born. They always wanted to have a second, but so far they have not given. By the way, two years ago, Ahmed Din was the seer who foretold the birth of his second child, but then the old man did not believe that the prophecy. The doctors said that the birth will be very difficult, but they chose to obey nature, and have a baby. There is also a strong possibility of the birth of a disabled child, but the parents did not stop: they believe that everything is their son or daughter will be born healthy.

Why are we so drawn to the sweet?

Why A delicious pastries and cakes we have, "delicious" and we are ready to forget about the diet, try to find specialists. It turned out that. The taste preferences of the incontinence is not caused by a lack of self-control Scientists at Northwestern University Feinberg (USA) on how the symptoms of hunger in the human brain and how they hang established by the action of neurons. Scientists conducted brain scans of volunteers 2 times. The first time you have limited access to donuts, and the second -. After eight hours of fasting Both times, the participants after the experiment showed pictures of candy. When people saw the images after eating sweet, their brains did not show much interest in photography. But were activated after a hunger strike of the brain quickly in observation sweets. According to neurologists, in this process the spatial attention network moves the brain hunger object of desire - in this case, the images of desserts. Scientists believe that if this area of the brain was missing, people would not eat to control your appetite and even if they are not hungry. In the brain, there is a very complex system, the attention to the needs of our objects in the environment, such as food, if we want to help guide researchers.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Donetsk surgeons grew a new heart girl

Ukrainian doctors from Donetsk Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery had an operation in which the CIS is not yet done. Here four months after Kiev grow a new heart! Unique operation was made possible by the recent development of the local doctors to "Internet Options". For the first time in CIS Donetsk surgeons the technology of culturing the cells of the heart known as stromal stem cells that are taken from the human spinal cord have dominated. New heart cells in the patient's body tissue, to improve the possible and permits a person to inject live fully. Distributed according to the news from the papers, turned the Institute of Kiev. Her four-month daughter found severe congenital disease. The child at birth was very enlarged heart and slightly reduced for this reason, the body is not getting enough oxygen. Suffered as a result of the baby organs - brain, liver and kidneys. Every day was on the account, and then based solely on their own development, representatives of Donetsk decided on surgery. According to the director of the Institute for Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery Vladislav Grin, doctors took bone marrow cells girls grew stem cells and implanted them into the heart of a child. Stem cells are the building blocks of all human organs. In the heart of the girl, they began to create healthy tissue. So the doctors could increase the efficiency of the heart of the child is not less than 5%.

Improper lens wear blindness

If parents wore glasses, a good chance to see their child sick. Every year is the "narrows", ie short-sighted people are more and more because the glasses are a fashion accessory. People with normal vision to acquire elegant look. In addition, any person spoil the view, sitting for hours in front of the computer or TV. And then the inevitable question, what is better - glasses or contact lenses. Comparatively speaking, have some indisputable advantages of the latter. First, the lenses do not fog up, and not to fight. Second, provide a properly fitted contact lenses, better image quality than the glasses. Reserves the vision without distortion, can not provide even the best lenses. And thirdly, where the glasses and then I remember (ie in sport and active recreation, especially in certain occupations), the lenses "behave" very quickly. Different countries use 2 to 10% of the population. But before you buy a valuable pair of lenses, be sure to visit a specialist eye hospital and undergo a thorough investigation of the visual system. Note that the selection of lenses ophthalmologist consultation is mandatory. Do not buy a lens. Only to the reviews on the internet They can not do without a special solution for the disinfection and storage of lenses, which are attached to the forceps and container. Now for the disadvantages. Like any other technology, contact correction has its contraindications, so please make sure you can use it.

Breastfeeding helps prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the child's future

After medical journals Diabetes Care for breastfed infants, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in the future, according to Reuters. The increase in the incidence of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes in adolescents was motivated identify lifestyle and identify the causes of the disease, U.S. researchers reported their various states. The factors with the incidence of type-2 diabetes to examine associated with people aged 10 to 21 years, the researchers used data from extensive research. It was found that, regardless of ethnicity, the protective effect of breast-feeding has not only helped prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, and reduce obesity in childhood. According to scientists, breastfeeding is still a lot of protection for the infant. Therefore, the researchers call for mothers to breastfeed babies, especially in areas where. At high risk for type 2 diabetes

Antibiotics are not effective for the treatment of viral infections

Physicians should reduce prescription of antibiotics to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, since these drugs are not effective, say researchers. About 90% of people in Britain are in sinusitis in sheet antibiotics. But the analysis of nine studies in the journal Lancet, published, showed that antibiotic. No effect in these cases, even if the patient had been ill for more than 7 days Sinusitis - located an infectious-inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses or nasal sinuses. In most cases occur after hypothermia and flu. Each year, 5.1% of adults with a diagnosis. Scientists advise doctors prescribe antibiotics only in those cases where the patient has been ill prescribe 7 to 10 days. Since cope up to seven days of antibiotics with a bacterial infection, not the virus, which is often. A complication of sinusitis and inflammation of the upper airways

Friday, February 15, 2013

Butter flavoring for popcorn causes lung disease

Chemical used for flavoring oils in the production of popcorn, causing damage to the lungs and upper respiratory tract, U.S. researchers reported. Test in mice showed that diacetyl, the artificial component in the corn oil for frying is used, the risk of fibroobrazovany (lymphocytic bronchiolitis) increased in the lung, said a team of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Scientists have created an environment in which laboratory mice had the substance smoke with diacetyl. For three months they got fibroobrazovaniya in the lungs. "This - the first study that examines the effects of diacetyl toxicity of a substance on the human body", - said the scientist Daniel Morgan, whose team led the study. The study was published in Toxicological Sciences zhuranale. These data make it possible to believe that the people in the production of popcorn to diacetyl vapor sample that runs the risk of pulmonary fibrosis are exposed. Office of the FDA Food and Drug Administration reported last year that a man faced with a life-threatening condition after daily consumption of several packages of popcorn, butter and herbs cooked in a microwave. According to scientists, this issue needs to be highlighted and must be taken by the government.

Every year in poor countries die of thousands of women in pregnancy and childbirth

Hundreds of thousands of women in poor countries die each year during pregnancy or during birth. UK government proposes a number of measures to deal with this problem. Representatives of the Committee for International Development (International Development Committee) claim that existed in the last 120 years, there is little progress in reducing the incidence of death among pregnant women in underdeveloped countries. This is because regulatory authorities of passivity and indifference. According to statistics, one in seven women die during childbirth in Nigeria. For comparison, in the UK the number is a disaster for 8200 delivery. In relation to the development goals (Millennium Development Goals), including the United Nations, the task of reducing the number of deaths among pregnant women by 75% was given to the year 2015. However, as of professionals has done little from the time of the problem, and the aim is not to reach. The main problem in this area is the wrong approach by the government, which should be directed towards improving the women in less developed countries, both at national and international level. This was claimed by the supporters of the new program, which was launched in the UK to life. Also, experts say that in South Africa, received only two out of five women adequate medical care during pregnancy.

Onishchenko, the cause of death of Nicholas I.

The cause of death of Emperor Nicholas I, had the flu and not a suicide, as some historians. Told the chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko reporters at a press conference in "Interfax". "It is an obvious fact, after the reconstruction of his illness and descriptions doctor" - said Onishchenko. Causes of death of Nicholas I, a story like the other Russian rulers discussed in detail in the recent book, "Medicine and the imperial power in Russia," in the work, attended by the chief sanitary doctor of Russia. By Gennady Onishchenko, the main purpose of the study, which is the historical period from 1826 to 1917, the reconstruction of the medical history of the Russian imperial court. Nicholas I died 18th February 1855, when the failure of Russia Crimean campaign came to an end, and the inevitable defeat of the Russian army was obvious. According to witnesses, Nicholas I was very annoyed by the military defeat of Russia. Thus, a version of the emperor committed suicide by poison.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

In Ukraine, the law on the prevention of alcohol

In Ukraine 650 thousand people abusing alcohol. Base percentage are in people aged 29 to 55 years. Many suffer from liver cirrhosis, alcoholic psychosis, pancreatitis, various types of esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer, which is often. The cause of death, according to UNIAN According to calculations, if we reduce alcohol consumption by only 1%, you can reduce the death rate of 0.5%, which more than 11,000 people. There are no less serious problems with addiction. Today has registered drug dispensaries more 116,000 people, 78% of them - young people under 30 years. These data in the grounds presented to the bill registered "on the fundamental principles of state policy in the field of prevention of alcohol, drug and substance abuse," in the Verkhovna Rada of the Head of the Health Tatyana Bakhteeva. According to lawmakers, the solution to this complex social problem, repressive and restrictive measures not effective integrated prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and drug abuse. The bill referred to the committee 11th March 2008.

In Hong Kong, after three fatal cases of influenza have closed all schools in the quarantine

More than half a million students in Hong Kong remained 13.03.2008g. after the government closed all kindergartens and primary schools for two weeks to contain an outbreak of influenza, according to Reuters. Disposal of IT after that, as in the intensive care unit hit another three-year child with flu symptoms. Government appointed a group of experts deaths of three children ages 2, 3 and 7 years is being studied in the past two weeks. All three cases had flu-like symptoms. Disposal of the authorities caused alarm and confusion, anxious parents, as the media announced yesterday that the school will not be closed due to lack of threat to life and health of children. The doctors say that this year has increased the level of influenza compared to previous years, but they believe it. No need to panic In their view, the closure of schools only help prevent the spread of influenza, which has 184 sick children in 23 schools.

Scientists have created a new drug to fight metastases

As you know, spreading cancer cells in the human body through the bloodstream, and during its progress through the circulatory system is a real protection of the cells responsible for blood clotting - platelets. That platelets, according to experts, to protect the cancer cells from attack by the immune system. Given these facts, the scientists have developed a new drug that creates the effect of platelets reduced, but not on a longer run at low bleeding tsarapine.V specialists now the first experiments on laboratory mice are, however, say with certainty that the drug significantly reduced the metastases showed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cancer is the biggest killer in the world, and die of the disease from 2005 to 2015, 84 million people. Experts also say that about 40% of cancers can be prevented by abstinence from tobacco use, regular physical activity and healthy eating.

Children of mothers who quit smoking during pregnancy, cheerful,

Women who smoke, smoking during pregnancy, babies born more robust, faster and better able to adapt to the outside world, according to British scientists. Babies of women who smoke while pregnant, have proved particularly irritable. The researchers believe that mothers leave the habit of taking care of their babies and better in other situations. The researchers also found that babies of smoking mothers more spirited than the children of those who quit smoking have something supernatural, and therefore does not seek to be in a position to not only believe in taking care of their health, but also about the health of the unborn child. Tobacco can affect the growth and development of the embryo, but also negative effects on the smoke inhaled by passive smoking mothers. A team of scientists led by Dr. Kate Pickett led a study conducted by the British 18 thousand babies between 2000 and 2002, and her mother was visited born. Scientists have asked many questions about the nature of the mothers of their babies. For example, a child on the vulnerability of new things, reactions to strangers, about the more. Child in a mood, happy or sad The study found that children of smokers and severe depression as children, mothers who smoke and had to quit. According to Dr. Pickett, it is important that strong condemnation of women who are not able to avoid giving up smoking because of pregnancy - a very tense and difficult time for a woman.

Vitamin D reduces the risk of diabetes of the first type

According to British scientists, the use of vitamin D young children can reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes in them in the future, reports the BBC. Scientists believe that the children who are vitamin D has to suffer, 30% lower risk of diabetes than those who do not. Type 1 diabetes - an endocrine disorder caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin, which develops as a result of the destruction of β-cells of the pancreas. The disease is characterized by chronically high blood sugar levels and severe metabolic disorders from. Type 1 diabetes is one of the most common diseases among citizens Europe and North America. The number of cases is increasing. Scientists suspect that increasing the gap from 2000 to 2010 the number of new cases by 40%. A team of scientists from Manchester united results of 5 studies on the effect of vitamin D. They found that. Indeed, with the supplements of vitamin D reduces the risk of disease Moreover, the longer the duration of vitamin D, the lower the risk of diseases. Based on the results, the researchers suggest the children vitamin D as a dietary supplement, at least during the first 2 years of life, but better to use vitamin D to children for the first 5 years of life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the U.S., 25% of teenagers suffer from sexually transmitted diseases

According to the latest data, are the carriers of infections that are transmitted during sexual contact that. Currently more than three million Americans aged 14 to 19 years Among black women, almost half carriers are at least one infection. The most common infection among young people is the human papilloma virus that can cause cervical cancer. They were infected with approximately 18% of American women. After a Center for Disease Control, Devila Fenton to various diseases to sexually transmitted diseases should avoid regular examinations, vaccinations and other preventive measures. Currently, as confirmed by the U.S. Venereology and gynecologists, the girls. Often medical examination because of the certainty that they are not neglected in danger Not long ago, researchers said at the Johns Hopkins University in the USA, with the advent of the fashion for oral sex, the number of oral cancer increases with papillomavirus infection.

Ministry of Communications to connect to the Internet, all Russian hospitals

In the near future the Ministry of Communications will work on the project will connect to the internet all medical institutions in Russia. According to AMI-TASS news agency reporters said the head of the Ministry of Leonid Reiman. The minister said that the project is now a program is being actively developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The development is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2008. Internet access will provide a total of 14,000 medical facilities. Reiman said that, the connection speed is at least 2 MB / sec This is replaced with the large amount of information can be determined doctors. Pilot testing of models of the project will be carried out during the year in two regions of the Russian Federation. It is also likely that in the near future, each hospital's own domain from Russia have entered this domain zone operation.

To use for people with schizophrenia, the other parts of the brain with memories

People with schizophrenia. Different areas of the brain to process memories, according to researchers Opening of the American scientists may help explain why schizophrenia is often associated with memory problems. Researchers from the University of Nashville (Tennessee) found that healthy people use the right side of the brain to remember certain moments. A patient with schizophrenia using a wider network of regions of the two hemispheres of the brain. According to Professor Sohee Park, whereas healthy people to use a particular area of the brain, people with schizophrenia have a large area and spread their attention in order to achieve the same goal. Scientists also found that scanned the brain activity during the memory tests, significant differences in the paths of error healthy people and people with schizophrenia. When healthy people have forgotten something, they realize that their reaction is invalid. At this point they do not have the space required to include in the rule memories. However, if people with schizophrenia had forgotten something, ensure that incorrect information that they remembered was correct. The brain is made of the same thing, true or false memories. According to Professor Corry need for new treatment options for these patients, but the best way to protect people is receiving medical care and social support as early as possible offer in case of illness.

The drugs and the occurrence of the disease depends on the individual sex

Scientists believe the soil can influence susceptibility to various diseases and the effect of drugs, so in the future drugs should for men and women. Scientists have long noted that women, for example, are prone to depression and bulimia, while men - for Parkinson's disease. Examinations of the brain of men and women have shown that it has a different structure depending on the sex. On this basis, scientists expect that the future of medicine should be for men and women. Most of the drugs now being tested in men. From this we can assume that these drugs may not be as effective for women. In addition, scientists have found that the concentration of hormones may influence susceptibility to various diseases. For example, women who suffer from multiple sclerosis, levels of the male hormone testosterone is much lower than in healthy women. This dependency is usually observed in Parkinson's disease. The disease is much more common in men than in women. According to scientists, Anita Holdcroft, from Imperial College London, the level of hormones in the female body, in contrast to the male, is constantly evolving, and this can have the effect of drugs on women. Therefore, the researchers recommend in-depth studies to determine how gender relates to the effect of certain medications, and a list of diseases, assessment, which varies according to gender.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pulmonary embolism can be treated without admission to the hospital

In recent years, a number of methods for determining the risk of serious complications and mortality in pulmonary embolism, which help patients should be identified with a low risk of developing complications. Such patients can given outpatient treatment, hospital stay in the hospital will be optional. The most reliable method for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism severity index (PESI), on 11 simple and well-defined criteria, reports In a recent study of 599 patients with pulmonary embolism, 36% of patients with PESI MediSwiss.Ru has been identified as a risk insignificant, with the possible mortality of 0.9% in 30 days (negative predictions - 99.1%). Even for severe complications (bleeding increased thromboembolic recurrences) PESI negative forecasts were very good (97.2%). So PESI fairly simple and well-defined predictor for patients to isolate with a low risk of unfavorable development of the disease, an outpatient or short stay in the hospital. Today ambulatory treatment of varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis include in the recommendation by many leading organizations such as the British Thoracic Society (British Thoracic Society) and the American College of Physicians on the Diseases of the Chest (American College of Chest Physicians). Venous thromboembolic disease, ie, deep vein thrombosis and / or pulmonary embolism is one of the most common diseases that can lead to death.

Found a gene that is responsible for the occurrence of gout

In the UK, the incidence of cases of gout are increasingly associated unhealthy lifestyle. However, genetic analysis showed the 12 thousand people that genes also influence on the increased risk of the disease. Scientists in Edinburgh came to the conclusion that the gene and the protein that controls it could provide the basis for new drugs in the treatment of gout. A person with normal kidneys, uric acid from the body. But the people, the kidneys can not be discharged from the body acid accumulates, the substance to which inflammation and pain. Developing gout. Scientists believe that they have managed to find out why this happens. Genetic alterations in the gene SLC2A found, apparently. Obstacle starting uric acid from the blood The solution to this problem, according to geneticists, the prevention and the development of new treatments for gout promote. As previously reported, may also reduce the risk of gout sugary drinks.

Exhaust influence on the processing of information by the brain

Exhaust not only cause headaches, but may even affect the function of the brain, the researchers reported. As you know, the nanoparticles reach the brain when inhaled, but the first time we found that it affects the way we process information. The study was published in the journal Particle and Fibre Toxicology. Researchers have tried almost the same conditions as in the garage, where the repair of machines and near the street and asked 10 volunteers to 1 hour in a room with fresh air to spend full, or in the room with the exhaust gases of a diesel engine new. Participants contribute to an EEG during the experiment, and an hour. Signals a change in the brain activity, in about 30 minutes for those. In the room with the exhaust gases, a visible change in the type of information processing in the brain cortex was recorded The effect remained even after participants left the room with the exhaust gases. According to researchers, the long-term effects of air pollution by exhaust gases affect the function of the brain and their processing of information. Further research is needed to determine the exact mechanism of action and the effects of particulate air pollution always to determine the brain.

Supplements can be deadly

The use of dietary supplements, probiotics (live cultures of beneficial strains of bacteria and yeast), in accordance with the advertising claims included, improves the immune system, contributes to the overall improvement and strengthening of the body, normalizes gastrointestinal tract. Despite the fact that experts have repeatedly pointed to the lack of results from large clinical trials. Now available to scientists quite reliable, but is not optimistic seemed information. It turns out that in some patients after the health of probiotics not only not improved, but on the contrary, is much worse. Dutch researchers from the Medical Center of the University of Utrecht from 2004 to 2007 on the basis of several clinics followed 296 patients with acute pancreatitis. In parallel with the traditional treatment of the patients were given supplements with probiotics, and some - a placebo. As a result of the experimental group 24 deaths, compared with 9 was recorded in the control group, 31 percent ICU required (as compared to 24 in the control group), 18 per cent - urgent surgery (as compared to 10). At the time of the experiment, no significant differences in the state of health of the patients were not recognized in the experimental and control groups. The results, published in the online version of The Lancet, was so convincing that the doctors for a similar study that was conducted Czech experts completed required.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The problem of alcoholism in Australia reached a national scale

Alcoholism in Australia is growing at national problem, experts say, of the Australian National Council on Drugs and Alcohol. Formed According to representatives of the Council of Margaret Hamilton, a passion for spirits in families. According to the statistics, on the continent more than 450 thousand children are living with alcoholic parents. For this reason, at least 10% of Australia's young people, who were underage, drink alcohol regularly. Hamilton believes that as soon as possible. At the state level on a series of immediate steps to increase the growth of alcoholism, which always prevent a national disaster According to her, the government has supported a proposal to restrict alcohol advertising, introduce to reduce, at least partially, the popularity of alcoholic beverages.

Alzheimer's disease is inherited?

If both parents were sick with Alzheimer's disease increases the risk of their children, scientists say. The experts on 111 families in which both parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the most common mental disorders in older people concentrated. In these families, 297 were adult children. Of the 98 men and women who were older than 70 - 42% met Alzheimer's, U.S. researchers reported at the University of Washington. According to scientists, this is more than expected. The risk of this disease on average occurs in about 65 years. Unfortunately, the number of people affected by the disease increase, every 5 years, experts say. Two thirds of the descendants of the participation in the study had not yet reached 70 years. Taking into account all 297 participants, regardless of age, 23% have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. According to the scientists Bird, on the occurrence of the disease relates to the genetic factor, which is not surprising. Scientists have not been able to find the exact cause of such a relationship. At the moment there is no treatment, and the only known ApoE gene, which may be a risk factor for the disease. The researchers suggest that. Several factors that influence the occurrence of the disease, but it is not known in the art

Intestinal bacteria protect against kidney stones

Bacteria Oxalobacter formigenes (O. formigenes), are part of the natural intestinal flora, the risk of recurrence of kidney stones cut by 70%. This is the conclusion of researchers at Boston University as a result of a clinical study of 500 people, the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology drawn. According to statistics, the majority of oxalate kidney stones of calcium salts of oxalic acid and are together. The risk is particularly high in such stones identifying oxalate in urine. At the same time a relatively new bacteria O. formigenes have the ability to dispose of oxalate in the intestinal tract of humans, in order. the level of salts in the plasma and urine The scientists led by David Kaufman (David Kaufman) determined out the contents of O. formigenes in feces in 247 adult patients with recurrent stone formation disease, and 259 healthy subjects (control group). In addition, the participants in the analysis of urine was assessed a 24-hour urine oxalate. A study of bacteria O. formigenes were found in 17% of patients with urolithiasis and 38% of respondents in the control group. "We have seen steady inverse relationship between colonization of the gut O. formigenes and recurrent calcium oxalate kidney stones," - said Kaufman. He said that was the risk of recurrent bacterial urinary stone disease reduced by 70%. According to statistics, in the U.S. urolithiasis develops in 5-15% of the population, and the risk of recurrence within five years, 30 to 50%.

Is beautiful in the fertile period of a woman

According to a survey, both men and women believe that a woman's face looks the most attractive in the most fertile days. Scientists found that the menstrual cycle affects the appearance of women. Craig Roberts (Newcastle University) decided and his colleagues, the women the attraction to investigate during the menstrual cycle in order to understand whether it is possible to on fertility (the ability to create the mature body of viable offspring) assess women. The study was published in the journal Nature. For the experiment, about 50 women aged 19 to 33 years were selected. Each woman was photographed twice. In the first photo, the woman was at the time, the most favorable for conception - after about 8-14 days after the first day of the menstrual cycle, and the second - after a further 14 days. Thereafter, 125 women and 125 men were asked to rate, on which pictures a woman looks attractive. Photography in the fertile period was chosen, 51% -59% of men and women. Scientists have not determined exactly, asked what guided his assessment. Perhaps the crucial role of the color and texture of the skin is playing. Previous studies have shown that during ovulation women skin is lighter. Scientist Ian Penton-Voak, University of Stirling found that prefer during ovulation, women, men, the masculine look, while at other times it is a nice man with softer features.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Transplant face are now held in the U.S.

Boston Brigham & Women's Hospital was the first U.S. license for a face transplant after "today." According to a statement of the hospital doctors will face transplant only in cases of facial trauma, which can not be recovered, as well as wounds, burns are performed and related to skin cancer. British Medical Association, a team of doctors, led by Professor Peter Butler, permission in October 2006 by the Ethics Committee of the Royal Free Hospital in London. The first face transplant surgery - nose, lips, chin, - was made in France in 2005, 38-year-old Isabella donor whose face sgryz own Labrador. Parts of the face have been replaced by a woman who said the death of the brain as a result of suicide. According to doctors from the hospital in Boston face transplant can not become a mass phenomenon, such as the selection and donor and recipient can be months or even years. Boston, Brigham & Women's Hospital has nearly 200-year history. His doctors were the first to use anesthesia during childbirth in 1847, spent the first transplant of a kidney from one twin to the other in 1954, and made a heart transplant in 1984.

Scientists have identified two genes that are responsible for the implementation of taking anticoagulants

Researchers have identified two genes that is responsible for identifying the risk of bleeding in patients receiving anticoagulant warfarin appear. To New England Journal of Medicine About 2 million Americans take warfarin after a heart attack, stroke or surgery. According to the specialists accurately calculate the dose to prevent thrombosis without causing bleeding. Scientists examined DNA 297 patients who have just started taking warfarin and found two genes (CYP2C9 and VKORC1) that took place in the reactions to the drug, and help you on the further reaction to the medication to learn. According to scientists can predict the analysis of the changes in the gene VKORC1, the reaction of the human body only, the initial dose of warfarin.

Ukraine has one of the lowest birth rates in the world

In Ukraine, presented two studies - "Assessment of socio-economic performance and potential of Ukraine" - a warning of impending demographic situation in Ukraine, the low level of economic and social prosperity, UNIAN reports. For two years, the study with support from the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine in cooperation with the International Centre for Policy Studies, the Advisory Board of Canada, the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee for Statistics generated. This is one of the first studies conducted in Ukraine, which in providing accurate and politically neutral analytical methods that can be used to strategic priorities, policy development in Ukraine can be determined based by 2050. According to the study, Ukraine 57th Space of 63 for the quality of life, the quality of life in Ukraine is one of the worst among European countries. In addition, research shows that Ukraine has one of the world's lowest birth rates. And every day in Ukraine is 35 HIV infections, more.

Genes dependent on how many happy moments we experience a life

Get depends on level of happiness throughout life of genes at birth, experts say. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied identical and fraternal twins. It turned out that half the personality traits affect genes, including the ability to be happy. The other half is on lifestyle, career and relationships. However, another expert said that we can have a feeling of satisfaction. Psychologists were able to develop some methods to evaluate the human personality, and even measure the degree of happiness. Scientists from Edinburgh, with the participation of scientists from the Queensland (Australia) studied 900 pairs of twins. The idea of the twins came from scientists, such as monozygotic and dizygotic genetically identical twins are - no. Comparing the two groups, the researchers tried the genetic influence on a particular feature to be determined. In this case, the researchers looked for people who were well-balanced, sociable and conscientious. The scientists were able to find out what traits in monozygotic and dizygotic twins affected 50% of the genetic factors. But according to Dr Alex Linley, although the research and demonstrate a very high percentage of the influence of genes on human behavior, but still not that only measure the conditions and the nature of happiness. Influence person, the situation and to change for the better.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cancer drugs lead to reproductive disorders

Prolonged use of anti-cancer drugs can cause fertility problems in women, reported the Greek physicians. Known chemo and radiation damaged reproductive function, but on the effects of drugs, almost nothing is known. Dr. Constantinos Christopoulos of the hospital in Athens, as an example, one of the reported cases that came in a 30-year-old woman who had myeloid leukemia and menstruation after two years of taking the drug Gleevec, published by pharmaceutical Novartis. First, it is took 400 milligrams of the drug per day, then increase the dose to 600 milligrams - this was six months before she was disturbed and menstrual cycle was irregular and scanty. When the month ended, led doctors an ultrasound, which means that the number of eggs was significantly decreased in the ovaries. According to doctors, these data suggest that long-term acceptance of medicines for cancer lead to reproductive disorders in women. For this reason they should not take these drugs especially during pregnancy, as it can lead to miscarriage.

The scientists did not find the healing properties of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has no effect on the immune system, pain sensitivity and speed of the healing process. This is the conclusion of researchers at Ohio State University, who studied the effects of aromas of lemon and lavender oil in healthy volunteers drawn. For three days, 56 men and women under the nose of the cotton ball in lemon, lavender oil or distilled water soaked secured. All participants regularly measured blood pressure and heart rate, and blood samples were taken for analysis. In order to assess their attitudes conducted special psychological tests. The rate of wound healing was assessed by a test with a strip of adhesive tape, which remained after the removal of small defects of the epithelium. The sensitivity to pain volunteers determine feet immersed in ice water. To examine the effect of aromatherapy on the immunity of the head of the study Janice Kaykolt-Glaser (Janice Kiecolt-Glaser) and her colleagues assessed the measured values of interleukin 6 and 10 in the blood of the participants, and the effect on the endocrine system has been in the concentration fluctuations evaluated stress hormones - cortisol, norepinephrine and other catecholamines. It was found that aromatherapy had no effect on the level of stress hormones and immune factors, has no analgesic effect and accelerate the wound healing. The only positive effect that is able to fix - improve mood influenced lemon (not lavender) oil. "The human body is a very complicated mechanism, and if someone feels better when you aromatherapy, we are not convincing.

Cell phone radiation on the skin

Tissues were affected by the electromagnetic waves. Early studies have shown that radio cell change (modulated radio frequency energy) protein expression and activity in human endothelial cell layer. A new analysis is unique in that it can be shown for the first time, whether these local changes in protein expression dangerous to humans. The study was subjected an experiment in a small area of the forearm skin, the GSM signals in 10 subjects. Thereafter, the treated material was (both irradiated and non-irradiated) sent for histological examination (biopsy of the skin). In this case, all of the proteins have been studied, which has been changed. Were identified in an analysis of 580 proteins as have received eight major impact as a result of radiation from mobile phones, experts say. "Radiation, which is exposed to a person on the process of using a mobile phone has a biological effect on the human body," - says Dariusz Lezhchinski (Dariusz Leszczynski), Research Center of STUK. - "Even if the changes are minor, they are still there now early to say whether it .. any evidence of metamorphosis to human health" The study showed that the human skin sends a response to the effect of radiation from mobile phones. Scientists are planning a further analysis that will question comprise 50 to 100 volunteers.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Discovered a gene to block HIV

In the course of medical studies have a gene that can block the virus immunodeficiency that prevent the onset of AIDS, the Canadian researchers from the University of Alberta said found. Stephen Barr, a molecular diagnostic virologist at the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, says his team has a new gene called TRIM22 that can block directly able to HIV infection in the cell by preventing the spread of the virus is discovered. According to doctors, the biggest challenge in creating a vaccine against HIV in the unique ability of the virus to mutate rapidly and avoid drug exposure. Almost all antiretroviral drugs by the end of the 90's, some are able to suppress the virus, but they can not prevent. The self-reproduction of HIV According to Stephen Barr always new resistant form of the virus, so you can create block more and more natural resources to fight HIV. The discovery of this gene represents a new approach to treatment.

The causes of lung cancer in smokers

Established probable cause of lung cancer in smokers, researchers reported at the University of Davis (California). Everyone knows that smoking causes lung cancer, and to make their deaths. But so far not elucidated the mechanisms of exposure to tobacco smoke in the lungs of the smoker. Californian scientists decided to do some research to find out how tobacco smoke affects the lungs. In a series of experiments, scientists working in the lab on lung cells different substances containing tobacco smoke. The scientists were able to determine that the responsible development of lung cancer in smokers hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), the part of the smoke. This information on the tobacco, which can create a safe cigarette varieties should be reported, scientists say. According to the World Health Organization, to take away the disease of smokers, the life of one person every six seconds, killing an average of 5.4 million people per year.

Scientists have found a way by which you can reduce the stomach without surgery

Scientists suspect that may have found a new opportunity to treat obesity by blocking the rise in the stomach. Researchers have two types of proteins that relax the gut and identified large amounts of food. In theory, the new drug lead to blocking of the muscles, and so it will be possible, the desire to suppress receive an excessive amount of food. Two proteins were regulated by researchers identified as P2Y1 and P2Y11, and fast and slow recovery of the digestive tract. The human stomach is in a relaxed state, with an internal volume of 75 ml, but the relaxation of their walls, it may be more up to two liters. This extension control nerve cells in the walls of the stomach, which rents the molecules that stimulate the P2Y1 and P2Y11, are in the muscle cells and in the walls of the digestive tract. According to scientists, the reduction of the stomach through surgery - an expensive and dangerous procedure, so that the use of a new treatment hope is for many people in terms of weight loss, but still the best way to control weight is still a change of lifestyle.

Is it safe for children have snow?

To the list of simple childhood pleasures whose safety has been questioned, add this: There is snow. The study found that snow - even in relatively clean areas like Montana and the Yukon, contains large amounts of bacteria. Parents whose children have the habit of eating the snow, wondering if it's safe for children. Snow is full of bacteria, which are everywhere, said Dr. Penelope Dennehy. Children practically bathe in bacteria when they are playing on the playground. Also, almost all the food we eat contains bacteria that usually die in our stomachs. The study was conducted in children, so to say exactly how the baby will not affect a lot of snow can be eaten. According to scientists, not with clinical cases when eaten snow could cause adverse effects in children, but it should not abuse, you need to try to protect children from falling into excessive bacteria in their growing bodies.

Sleep lead to obesity

Do not eat people with symptoms of chronic insomnia, narcolepsy and daytime sleepiness and have the habit of over-eating, and these symptoms become a clinical nature, finally, say Dutch researchers. According to scientists, that many patients with sleep nutrition and irresistible attraction to overeating. They examined the diet and sleep in 180 people. It turned out that the difficulty in falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night and daytime sleepiness directly to the rapid increase in body weight from how a person feels a constant uncontrollable appetite. However, experts say, overeating - obviously not a direct cause of obesity in sleep, because they believe that the process involves metabolic changes. Moreover, forcing disturbances of nerve function people lose not only a sense of vitality, but also destabilize the regime of their food. As we reported earlier that the display of television programming at night and use of the Internet leads to a lack of sleep and sleep disorders.