Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dependent on the generosity of the hormone oxytocin in the blood

American scientists have found the reason why the people hungry, or vice versa, are generous. The whole secret lies in the plane of the hormone oxytocin, experts say. They found effects of oxytocin on the psycho-emotional men and women. It causes more favorable location to other people think can. The words of a particular person Hormones involved immediately after birth in the formation of the relationship between mother and child. Scientists have found that the type of altruism is not based on moral principles, culture and the process of formation and hormone levels. That is the level of the hormone oxytocin is responsible for the impulses of generosity, the desire to help another person and selfless action. The team of scientists conducted an experiment in which half the participants were given a hormonal drug, and the rest - a placebo. Then offered to all study participants to donate a sum of unknown needy. The result was very surprising, because the participants held a dose of oxytocin, were ready to give 80% more than the rest of the volunteers. Inheritance "hormone generosity" failed, but can be passed from person to person, such as an infection. We get signals from surrounding special trust because of which our brain immediately raises the level of oxytocin. A similar effect is thinking of the social advertising posters, pictures, of which affect the emotions of the viewer, for example, a photo of the child to cry produces. Director of the study, Professor, University of California, believes Claremont Paul Zak that raising oxytocin in the body leads almost immediately to an increase in generosity. So now we know what it depends on the state of the goodwill and generosity of the people, well-known experts.

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