Saturday, August 31, 2013

Black tea to recognize the danger

Black tea is high blood pressure in people with unstable pressure. Due to the increased attention of the scientific community on the positive properties of the flavonoids - substances found in many fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains and beverages - Experts at the University of East Anglia and King's College London, rated the 133 studies for these products. About the health benefits of flavonoids is known since 1930, but the limited data do not allow doctors to give specific advice about their use. A comprehensive analysis of British doctors confirmed the cardioprotective effect of certain foods rich in flavonoids and their sub-types -. Anthocyanins and flavanones British experts have found that the flavonoids in cocoa and chocolate lowers to improve blood pressure and vascular blood flow, but does not reduce the amount of lipoprotein -. "Bad cholesterol" by drinking black tea, which is also significant concentrations of flavonoids, the pressure on the contrary increased and decreased cholesterol. It was found that chocolate and cocoa can prevent cardiovascular risks, and black tea reduces the potential benefits of flavonoids and even high blood pressure in people with unstable pressure cause.

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