Monday, August 26, 2013

Found three genes responsible for the occurrence of brain tumors in children

Scientists have identified three genes that are responsible for the emergence of various forms of brain tumors in children, the researchers reported. Statistics survival rate in children with the disease is 50%. The scientists hope that their discovery to create new, more effective drugs with fewer side effects contribute. The study was published in the journal Cancer. According to Professor Richard Grundy from the University of Nottingham, the understanding of the biological causes of brain tumors in children is very important to create a more effective drugs that work on the "wrong" genes in cancer cells, but does not destroy healthy cells as in the use of chemotherapy. Experts examined the activity of genes in 74 samples of ependymoma. Ependymoma - most benign neuroectodermal tumor of the ependymal lining of the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. The scientists found that the gene SI00A4 closely associated with the occurrence of tumors in very young children. The second gene, the researchers found SI00A6, a tumor marker in a certain part of the brain, the third - CHI3L1 cancers was found with a high degree of cell death. All three genes were located in a portion of chromosome 1, which was previously associated with poorer survival for ependymoma. Professor Grundy that the results provide a more detailed understanding of the nature of the tumors of the brain and contribute to the development of the most effective methods to combat it. Every child should get the most effective treatment, said the expert.

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