Monday, August 12, 2013

The mystery of the first words of infants showed

Experts claim that. All matter in the sound structure of words Psychologist, an experiment with 22 children aged 2-3 days, which set a record for the words with repeated syllables like mubaba and foam, and the inclusion of words in which syllables have not been told several times. At the same time, while the scientists recorded brain activity of babies. It turned out that. With the repetition of words in children, an increase in activity in the left frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex While other word almost no reaction was seen. Therefore, the psychologist suggested that the names of the parents and close relatives in different languages by repeating syllables, not by random, but it is because the children are best suited to repetitive sounds. As you know, the left frontal lobe in right-handers is the responsibility for these human qualities such as attention, abstract thinking, the ability for self-control and self-criticism. A temporal process auditory information, grasp the conversion sounds in words. To close the scientists, children can be seen with the ability and learn their native language regularly born.

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