Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Scientists propose a more efficient method to get rid of "bags" under the eyes

"Bags" under the eyes - one of the most common age-related problems. American scientists decided to look at the causes. The most important method for dealing with the "bags" under the eyes - it's plastic surgery (blefaroplatika) area under the lower eyelid. Experts once believed that with age slack orbital septum, which holds the fatty tissue in the orbit and the fracture formed under the lower eyelid. For this reason, experts use the method in plastic surgery, which is based on the strengthening of the walls. But scientists from the University of California in Los Angeles denied this position. The study involved 40 people aged 12 to 80 years who have studied the eye sockets, using magnetic resonance imaging. The results showed that the "bag" - the excess grease, which is outside the orbit. The fact is that in the orbit gradually with age increases the amount of fat, and if its amount is more than it contain the eye socket, the fat "out" under the lower eyelid, independent of the density of the orbital septum. Investigator Sean Darcy (Sean Darcy), based on the results of this study recommends conducting additional blepharoplasty partially remove intraorbital fat, and then strengthened orbital septum. Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery in the U.S., measured by the number of operations per year is - 241 000th

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