Friday, August 2, 2013

Preeclampsia - an early symptom of kidney failure

May increase pre-eclampsia, which causes high blood pressure and other problems in 5% of pregnancies, significantly reduce the risk of kidney failure in a few decades after the birth, reported Norwegian scientists. Pre-eclampsia - a serious form of late toxicosis of pregnancy, clinical presentation, of which the symptoms and diseases of the central autonomic nervous system in the form of one or more symptoms: headache, blurred vision, pain in the stomach area. The study, published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine, confirmed the suspicions of many physicians about the effects of severe late toxicity. Preeclampsia is also assumed the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke. Researchers examined data 500 thousand Norwegian women and found that women who have pre-eclampsia, a high probability that they will suffer later in life had kidney biopsy. Recent studies have shown that women who have given birth at least once increases the risk of kidney failure 1 in 27 thousand But if the woman suffered preeclampsia, the risk greatly. In the case of first pregnancy, increasing the risk of 4.7 times, and in the case of Re - in 6.4, and if it was a third pregnancy, increasing the risk of at least 15.5 times. Experts advise women who had pre-eclampsia, a very good care of the kidneys and do not forget your doctor regularly to try to prevent serious kidney disease in the future.

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