Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pets increase the risk of snoring

If a child grows up with a dog in the house, it may increase the risk of snoring in his adult life. Snoring - this is not just an inconvenience, but also an increased risk for premature death, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Experts from Umea University conducted a study and found that when the dog is in the house with the child's birth, the risk of snoring increases further to 26%. Scientists suspect that the allergic reactions that occur in the search for the animals in the house. Inflammation in the airways What then. To change its shape As a result, and there is a snore. Experts surveyed 15,556 people from Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Estonia about ordinary snoring what they worried at least three times a week. At the same time, the participants questioned about a history of domestic animals as a child. It turned out that living with pets increases the risk of snoring in adulthood. In addition, children who lived with their pets were more often respiratory infections and ear infections before the age of two. Experts could not yet fully understood, the mechanism of such a relationship, but they show that the presence of animals in addition to young children increases the risk of inflammation, which further leads to anatomical changes in the upper respiratory tract.

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