Thursday, August 1, 2013

Found a marker that shows how aggressive cancer occur

British scientists say they have treated a marker for an aggressive form of cancer with greater intensity found BBC reported. To better resist disease, it is necessary to use methods of the marker search tests, experts say. Scientists have shown a marker of how much you may experience the disease has been found by this method has been called Lamin test. Some patients in the treatment necessary. To sessions of chemotherapy in addition to the standard operation, in order to increase their chances of survival, according to scientists from the University of Nesci This test will help to identify those patients. The work was published in the journal PLoS ONE. Scientists are trying to promote Lamin-test for use in healthcare, because colorectal cancer is the third after the death from cancer in the UK. Diagnosed annually with the disease are 36 thousand people. In most cases of colon cancer cases occur in the elderly. Chemotherapy is rarely used in the treatment, as it can greatly harm to the patient, which is older and cause poor health. However, in the case of the most aggressive cancers, chemotherapy can save a life. The researchers conducted a study among 700 patients with cancer of the bowel. Study of disease and the general condition of the participants. It has been established that go in people who should test lamin protein markers found in stem cells in an aggressive form of the disease, scientists say. The study found that about one third of the test participants Lamin, needed to perform sessions of chemotherapy passed. According to experts, chemotherapy - harmful to the human body process, especially in old age, but with an aggressive form of cancer, it can save the life of the patient.

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