Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Increase "Genes homosexuality" the fertility of women

Italian researchers have found that increasing the genes to determine homosexuality, the fertility of women. It is for this reason they have not disappeared from the human population. The researchers published their work in the journal PLoS ONE. The issue of homosexuality extensively studied for several decades, however, the genes that are directly related to gay, has not yet been allocated. However, they are stored in the population for many millennia. Until now it was unclear why they did not want to disappear in generations: People with homosexual tendencies offspring leave significantly less likely than heterosexuals. Some studies have shown that homosexual men are usually more relatives with gay from the mother than the father's side are. Such a pattern of inheritance characteristic signs of sex-linked. That is, according to this theory, "Gene homosexuality" are on the female sex chromosome - the X chromosome. In 2004, Italian researchers, the main of which Andrea Kamper Chian (Andrea Camperio Ciani) was from the University of Padua, found that women who have gay relatives have more children on average than those who were in the family must have mostly heterosexual. In his new work colleagues decided Chian explain all the facts. They built a large number of mathematical models describing the genetic "background" to describe the inheritance. The researchers studied more than 20 different ways, a different number of "genes homosexuality", their location (scattered throughout the genome, or in a certain position). The effects of these genes on the fertility of women They also considered the options when the "gay genes" on the X chromosome, the Y chromosome or are autosomes - nonsexual chromosomes. Model that best fit all the facts were as follows: "gay genes" are clusters of at least one of those on the X chromosome is located. Moreover, "the genes of homosexuality" to improve fertility in women, but reduce in men. This phenomenon has been known in insects and some mammals. He called sexual antagonism. Antagonistic properties useful for the survival of individuals of the opposite sex, but useless or harmful to the opposite sex. In humans, the sexual antagonism have not been observed.

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