Domestic cats are the cause of eczema in children with certain genetic disorders, according to scientists from the University of Copenhagen. According to Dr. Hans Bisgaarda, this is another example of how the genetic mechanisms interact with environmental factors. A person can be the genes that are responsible for the development of many diseases, but it never hurt any of them. But this is possible in the absence of some external influence on the patient, said an expert from the Danish Pediatric Center. Scientists conducted an experiment, which means that found in children with mutations in the gene fillagrina - one of the proteins of the skin - in the first year of life eczema twice as likely as children in the control group developed. If the children lived in a family with a mutation in this gene in the house cat, the risk of developing eczema was even higher. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is seen in the first year. 65% of patients with this disease, experts from the National Institute of Arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders and skin USA Symptoms of the disease are in this case more than 20% of infants and preschoolers. Dr. Bisgaard explained that the study was not sure how cats affect the development of eczema, determine. However, it was found that eczema is an allergic reaction to cats. According to experts recommend parents to start to throw the cats, because this discovery needs further proof.
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