Anesthesia before and during surgery increases the pain after the patient regains consciousness, according to U.S. scientists. According to researchers, the chemicals contained in drugs for anesthesia, nerve cells more sensitive that the pain. The choice of anesthesia is important for well-being in the postoperative period, said Gerard Ahern, the Medical Center in Vashigtone. Anesthesiologist know that the anesthesia, the patient may experience pain during the injection site or in the lungs. Ahern and his colleagues believe that the pollutants in anesthetics act on two specific site in the nerve cells, known as TRPV1 and TRPA1. Both sites are responsible for the sensation of pain by external stimuli. Specialists conducted in a laboratory experiment and found that the site TRPA1 is activated when reacts with substances in anesthetics. TRPA1 - big pain receptors in the peripheral nerves, and when it is activated, it causes pain, said Gerard Ahern. The researchers studied mice lacking the gene TRPA1. It turned out that they do not feel pain when exposed anesthetics, unlike rodents, in which the gene was normal. The scientists exposed mice in which the gene was normal, general anesthesia, and then click in pain for a few hours. According to Gerard Ahern, he explains the cause of the pain after the anesthesia. Further studies are needed to exclude components that activate TRPA1 gene and cause severe pain, or find another way to prevent the pain, the scientists believe.
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