This was the conclusion reached by scientists from the Institute for the Study of English cuisine. Undoubtedly, good vegetables and fruits only as a source of potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin C. All other elements there in very small amounts. But to learn what little value to know them, to avoid the pitfalls of fruits and vegetables. Here are a few examples. Eat the same raw carrot - an empty class: beta-carotene, we are just a boiled carrot. A baby raw vegetables is not only not helpful, and even dangerous. Cellulose and pectin in the orange root vegetable, baby hard to contain immature pancreas. Also compared with the crude in cooked carrots contains three times more antioxidants that prevent help cancer and Alzheimer's. Note that the cell walls during cooking many vegetables are soft. As a result, such as broccoli and spinach after cooking man gets 10-30% of carotenoids from raw and only 2-3%. Raw-foodists orthodox is objected of course that the heat treatment is lost vitamins. Actually a part of them is lost, but the rest we learn much better. Boiled and stewed tomatoes so fresh is much better. Although the heat treatment reduced slightly the vitamin value of tomatoes, it improves the absorption of lycopene - the pigment that gives tomatoes their specific bright red. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant and thus prevent disease of blood vessels and the formation of malignant tumors. As fruit and vegetable potassium without getting damage to the pancreas? Eggplant (or any other vegetable or fruit) are best baked in the oven. Potassium concentration is increased and give nitrate and nitrite from the juice in the pan. As a result, you have an expert product advice. Ideally served with grilled vegetables. You can go the other way - cook stewed dried apricots and other fruits. Test for potassium deficiency: dry skin on the lower leg. Special relationship with his demands potatoes. Know that and enjoy mashed potatoes, eat a starch. Fried potatoes even more harmful. The potatoes should be baked only in the skin. Those 2 mm, we clean off, this is the most valuable - vitamin C and potassium. Everything else is basically harmful for our body. Joint in the body of the big fans of vegetables and fruits excess of strontium. Strontium is dangerous because it displaces calcium and magnesium. And finally with "osteoporosis", "herbivore" not put in 60-80 years and diagnosed 30-40. A long time ago, developed the physiological standards of nutrition. Them on fruit and vegetables (except potatoes) in an amount of no more than 300-400 grams per day is used. That is enough. What is 300-400 g? These are just two of apple or a plate of strawberries. Instead of a bucket or basket!
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