Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ineffectiveness of chelation therapy autism Clinical studies,

Office for the Supervision of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the test chelation therapy autism, most experts consider useless and even harmful approved. Chelation therapy is to prevent the introduction of drugs, and prints from the body of heavy metal ions, and is approved for use in poisoning them approved. Many parents try to use them to treat their children with autism based on the assumption of the role of mercury preservative in vaccines in the development of this disease basis. Numerous scientific refutation of this assumption, not to convince them. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, has received FDA approval for the test chelation dimerkaptoyantarnoy acid (DMSA) in the treatment of autism in children aged four to ten years, with non-toxic, but concentrations determined by mercury and lead in the blood. This decision caused a wave of debate on the ethics of research. The main argument of the critics is the potential risk of DMSA. Like other chelators, it binds heavy metals indiscriminately, ie, the necessary elements in the body, such as copper, zinc, calcium, and other reduced. In 2005, a five year old boy from Portersvilya, Pennsylvania, died of heart failure after injection of the drug chelation. Expert on vaccines and a former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics Louis Cooper (Louis Cooper) believes that this study will be able to really convince them finally, the parents that there is no link between vaccines and autism, and thus the futility chelate therapy. Other experts argue that even if the mercury causes autism, it can not be undone, and the excretion of mercury ions will not cure the disease. NIMH Director Tom Island (Tom Island), said that before the examination should be considered by the ethics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

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