Saturday, June 8, 2013

You think is harmful about a healthy lifestyle?

Experts complain that society mania healthy lifestyle or ortoreksiya a mental disorder that manifests itself in obsessive based healthy lifestyle on the right diet and regular exercise with a heavy load is distributed. "I think young people today are under a lot of pressure for their views should be thin and well educated Besides media constantly bombard given tips on what not to eat, what to eat and how to train .." - Says the founder of the Swedish associations against malnutrition Madeleine Mesterton. According to her, in the initial phase ortoreksiki look athletic and healthy. Over time. The idea of a healthy lifestyle again in the constant fear of public or better In addition, the patient has a severe lack of essential substances in the body - the State of hidden hunger. This condition, according to doctors, relates to the heart, a decrease in the amount of calcium in the body, and premature wear of the joints. But primarily ortoreksiya dangerous that can develop into anorexia - complete refusal of food. According to statistics ortoreksii victims are mostly women from 30 to 50 with serious problems in their personal lives. Men often accompanied ortoreksiya experiencing a midlife crisis. Ortoreksiyu following are found on the following grounds: the right sports nutrition is a person's thoughts more than 3 hours a day, always tomorrow to plan the menu, and do not eat anything in the fridge, a sense of what he is eating the food right because there is more than fun from the food itself, the person always gives up the foods you like, in the interest of what is useful, because the chosen diet is difficult because there is somewhere other than at home.

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