Saturday, June 1, 2013

The smell of coffee relieves stress

Many receive joy of drinking coffee, due to its high caffeine content and its unique taste, but it turns out, also the flavor of the drink can positively on the brain cells, the scientists said. Scientists conducted a study that, like the use of coffee and inhaled the smell can affect the brain showed. The experiment was carried out in rats. Specialists Learn how coffee scent subjected the adult brain of male rats, with the restriction of the long sleep, and the brain of rats, sleeping enough hours concerns. Then the results obtained are compared with animals not exposed to coffee. It was found that rats, showed limited period of sleep and breathing in the smell of coffee various activities in 17 brain regions. Also in the rat brain, the concentration of certain proteins that help reduce stress due to lack of sleep may have changed. Scientists have come to believe that coffee causes stress in the body,. In loss of sleep Probably better smell, only the coffee, providing anti-stress effect on the body, but experts are not yet a clear answer to this question. Further studies are planned in this area.

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