Monday, June 3, 2013

France hosted the first retinal transplantation

In France, for the first time had an operation to transplant an artificial retina, say doctors Paris hospital. Doctors performed an operation a man who lost his sight as a result of disease of the retina. According to the professor, the operation was successful, and the patient is well. These transactions were carried out two more times around the world. Surgery in Switzerland and France were prepared by the same method - it is about implanting the prosthesis. This artificial retina consists of 60 electrodes - photoreceptors and neurons. They convert light into electrical impulses to the brain via the optic nerve. Implantation of such visual prostheses for people. Not born blind and with a healthy optic nerve A disease that is most commonly experienced by people over 60 - This method can be used for those who have a disease of the retina, or suffering, whether carried out by age-related macular degeneration. Implant transmits only very schematically reflection pictures - replacing 60 electrodes not completely the 130 million photoreceptors eyes. However, it allows the patient to navigate in a simple and familiar space and distinguish shapes.

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