The electrical stimulation of deep brain regions leads to an improved memory, scientists say. In the course of treating a human patient obesity by electrical stimulation of the deep brain regions, the Canadian team accidentally discovered the effect of improving memory. Electrical stimulation resulted in the fact that to experience the patient is able vivid memory of the past. Scientists have tried to help the 50-year-old with obesity, diabetes, and a second group of sleep disorders, which could not help, nutrition, medication and psychological help. He refused to reduce the stomach, and the doctors came to the conclusion that may be able to help him with the help of electric deeper regions. This procedure was tested the effect on appetite in animals, but not in the treatment of obesity in humans. This method was used for the treatment of chronic pain, headaches and even depression, but was not very effective. Called electrodes inserted in the area of the brain hypothalamus, which is likely to regulate appetite. During the stimulation electrodes by electrical impulses the patient began a feeling of deja vu experience. When the intensity of the pulse, the moments of the memories was clearer and brighter. According to scientists, to make the results it is possible to assume that the use of electrical stimulation of deep brain regions can improve memory and can be the basis for the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's be.
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