Sunday, December 30, 2012

Factors influencing suicide are the same all over the world

Teens, single, female, poorly educated or people with mental illness, regardless of where they live the same inclination to suicide, said an international team of researchers. Scientists surveyed 85 thousand people from developed and developing countries, and found a certain pattern. They found that 9.2% of people surveyed said seriously considered the possibility of suicide, and 2.7% said they had made a suicide attempt. According to the WHO, the suicide rate increased by 60% in the last 45 years. For persons aged 15 to 44 suicide deaths is a big problem. In every country of the world, scientists have observed a significant increase in suicidal thoughts among people in adolescence and early adulthood. According to Matthew Nock, the most dangerous suicide attempt is a period of one year after the person starts thinking about suicide. This occurs in 60% of cases in each country. According to researchers, most suicidal people in the world aged 18 to 34 years are old, female, poorly educated and those who are not married and people with mental disorders. These people are in danger, which often require additional help from psychologists, psychiatrists.

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