Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Active life slows down cell aging

Physical activity has a direct influence on the rate of aging of the human body. People and lead a sedentary lifestyle, age, on average ten years earlier than their active counterparts, say British scientists. In a study by experts from King's College London (King "s College London) implemented measures in 2400 twin pairs. Participants completed the questionnaire, which was the frequency and intensity of physical activity and a blood test. Lead author Lynn Cherkas (Lynn Cherkas) and her colleagues measured telomere length of chromosomes in the cells of the blood of the participants and compared the figures from the survey data obtained telomeres -. terminal fragments of chromosomes will not carry genetic information as an early indicator Their main function is to cellular DNA to protect from strains and injuries telomeres with each cell division ... sinking aging According to researchers, the telomere length is reduced annually by an average of 21 pairs of nucleotides - .. the elementary structures of the DNA molecule, however, the participants, the significant differences depending on the level of physical activity on average telomere length in people with minimal physical activity (16 minutes per week) was at 200 nucleotides shorter than that of most physically active (199 minutes per week.) In other words, the most active people had telomeres the same length as those who were 10 years younger led, but a sedentary lifestyle, the researchers reported. This difference was particularly clear when comparing twins with different activities. Researchers have proposed that the body physically inactive people. Susceptible to inflammation and cell damage caused by oxygen At the same time physical activity helps to cope with stress that. To telomere shortening Report on the results of the study were published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

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