Friday, December 14, 2012

Cell phone use leads to sleep disorders

The use of a mobile phone in front of the leads to a disruption of sleep, sleep scientists Karolinska Institute in Sweden found, together with scientists from Wayne University in the U.S.. The study, funded by the mobile phone company found that cell phone use can cause insomnia, headaches and anxiety. And can also change the deeper stages of sleep. The study included 35 men and 36 women from 18 to 45 years. Some of which are the equivalent of the radiation from the use of a mobile phone, while others in the same conditions, but were "false" energy. People subjected to the radiation took longer to enter into the deeper stages of sleep, and they spent less time in the deepest stage. The study found that the effect of in vitro affected 884 MHz wireless radiation sleep that we need to recover. This is presumably due to the fact that the radiation. The hormone melatonin, which is for internal rhythm of the body According to Alasdair Philips, deals with the effects of electromagnetic effects on human health, gave the study to understand that if you want to make an evening of conversation, it is better to use a landline phone, and it is advisable to not turn your phone on to leave the bedside table. Scientists also do not rule out the possibility that long-term use of mobile phones increases the risk of cancer.

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